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rr~ <br />Nutritional Food Program for the elderly in Lee County. <br />Commissioner Rogers seconded the 'motion and upon a roll <br />call vote,' Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker, and <br />G. Wicker all voted for it and no one:'voted..against it.. <br />The written report of Mrs. Mary Alice Crissman, <br />Veterans Service Officer, was presented to the -Board and <br />copies''distributed to.the"members. <br />The written report of the Lee County. Agricultural <br />Extension Service was presented to the Board and copies' <br />distributed to the members. <br />The.Chairman .advised the Board that the. Lee County. <br />Extension Service:Staff and the Lee 'County Extension <br />Homemakers have invited the* members of the Board to a <br />dinner on Monday, January. 21, 1974, at 6:00, o'clock P.M. <br />in the Courthouse Annex. <br />There was a discussion about the request made by <br />the Sheriff to the. various members of the Board for <br />consideration in raising the salary'of various deputy sheriffs. <br />No action was taken at this meeting and the Finance Officer. <br />was .requested to. prepare the data for consideration by the <br />Board at its next meeting. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker'at> the.. <br />sum of $100..00, be appropriated from the Unappropriatedt <br />Surplus in the General Fund to the Civil Preparedness Fund <br />to defer the 'expense of personnel used in hauling water. <br />Commissioner: Hancock'seconded the motion and upon a roll call <br />vote., Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers,, F. Wicker, and G. <br />Wicker all voted for it and no one voted against it. <br />The -Chairman reported that the terms of Dr. John <br />E. Dotterer and Mrs. Ruby Maxwell had expired as members of <br />the Lee..County Library Board of Trustees and that the <br />Library Board had recommended their reappointment for terms <br />which would expire in December, 1919• Commissioner F. Wicker <br />-7- <br />