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and had received responses from at least four.persons who <br />appreciated having this.called to their attention and <br />promised not to do so in the future. g, <br />Mrs. Faye Page appeared before •the"Board.on V6half <br />r :R <br />of the Lee County_Human Relations Council. .'Commissioner* <br />t - <br />William H. Cooper. moved that the period, from 'February 10 <br />through February. 23, 197.4, be proclaimed as Human Relations <br />Weeks in Le'e:County. Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote,.it was unanimously adopted'. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers',moved that the sum <br />of $2,20.0.00. be 'appropriated from.the Unappropriated Surplus <br />Carolina Technical Institute <br />in, the -Central./ Fund to the School Capital Outlay Fund for <br />Central Carolina Technical Institute for the :purpose of <br />repairing the Broadcasting Control offices and adding a <br />storage shelter'at'.the .rear of the Industrial.Maintenance Shop <br />Commissioner Cooper seconded the motion and upon a.roll call <br />vote, Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker., and G. <br />Wicker all voted for it and no one..voted against it. <br />The Chairman reminded the members of the` Board that <br />Congressman David Henderson would be in.Lee 'County on <br />January 8 for the.purpose of visiting with people in the <br />rural areas of the 'County.. <br />The :Chairman called to the, Board's.attention the <br />request from Mr. Hennessey', who is the insurance agent for <br />various' 'industrial :plants located on U.S. 421 East of Sanford, <br />asking if the County would` be. 'willing to participate in the <br />construction of a water storage tank. The 'Clerk was requested <br />to have the matter-looked into by. the Industrial Committee of <br />the Sanford Area Chamber of Commerce and also to. consult with <br />the City. Manager. <br />Commissioner F. Wicker moved that the sum of $1,116.00 <br />be appropriated from the Unappropriated Surplus in the General <br />Fund to the Region,J Council of institute. a <br />-6- <br />