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® BOOK 8'.343 <br />I/II/I, r\1 <br />1Q\ ~.=A45^A'8999 f%fh A C"7' B flnliC W9 AOff 6`9/'AA F-4 ~.PA is Ktv9 A Also <br />a..m i-e eso®~l/~a.i VrrrcV / b//tl 6~ /HSV/~dtH ilP9 a.,r a,. ar/n//-Pea r <br />Office of Superintendent <br />325 Halifax Street <br />Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 <br />W. J. WINFREE <br />SUPERINTENDENT March 18, 1974 <br />File: 3.31-553 <br />Mr. Gordon A. Wicker, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />554 Oakwood Avenue <br />Sanford, North Carolina 27330 <br />Dear Mr. Wicker: <br />I. acknowledge receipt and thank you for the return of the original <br />of my letter February 12, 1974, which was executed by you on behalf of the <br />County Board of Commissioners, whereby Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company <br />grants the Commissioners the right to proceed with cleaning and fixing up <br />the station building at Sanford, N. C., for the Centennial celebration. <br />Mr. Charles M. McBryde furnished you with a copy of his letter <br />to me dated Februarv 13; 1974, ..ithdravr`a7 Iiis recuast on behalf of The <br />American-Scottish Foundation, Inc., for use of the passenger station building. <br />In the circumstances. the matter was again referred to my Management <br />for r1-js to the Rail- do an effort `h <br />.,::^.at a.. a.. to a_-s~st e County <br />Board of Commissioners to continue utilizing the building for a senior citizens <br />center. <br />Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company is willing to lease the building <br />and the parcel of land to the Lee County Board of Commissioners, said parcel of <br />land.and building being, outlined in red on actached copy of drawing No. 2527, <br />last revised January 25, 1974, on an "as is" basis, i.e., the County will accept <br />the building in its present condition, agree to maintain the structure at its <br />expense in a manner satisfactory to the xailroad Cosrpaay"s Division Engineer and <br />install appropriate barricades at locations designated by the Division Engineer, <br />without payment of rental, conditi.nned upon Lee County reimbursing Seaboard <br />Coast Line Railroad Company for taxes levied on the land and building, estimated <br />at $923.99 per annum on the basis of State assessment. <br />Of course, if the County Board of. Commissioners accepts such an <br />arrangement, it is our desire to cover lease of the land and building by a <br />formal agreement, terminable on thirty days' written notice by either party, <br />effective April 1, 1974, and, of course, reimbursement of taxes will corimence <br />on April 1, 1974. <br />