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Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers moved that `.$5,:G76:.72 <br />be appropriated from the::unappropriate.d surplus in the General <br />Fund to. the :School Capital Outlay-Fund to. pay, for engineering <br />services in construction of the.w.ater. and sewer: line to the <br />school maintenance.. garage: /r <br />Commiss'ioner.Franklin D. Wicker .mo:ved that the sum <br />of`.$8,969_29:be. appropriated from the unappropriated surplus, <br />in the :General Fund to the. School Capital Outlay -Fund',for <br />arch'i'tect's;fees:on the school maintenance garage building. <br />Commissioner J. Eugenie; Rogers seconded the.motion and upon a <br />rollcall: vote:, Messrs. Hancock,. Rogers, F. Wicker., and G. <br />Wicker. all voted for the motion and no one voted against it..'. <br />The: monthly bills as listed bythe County, Finance <br />Officer. were reviewed and dis:cu'ssed. , Commissioner: Franklin. <br />D. Wicker. moved that the bills as listed be. approved for <br />payment.: Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion <br />and upon a unanimously adopted. <br />There being no further. business; to come before the. <br />G ON 1 WICKER <br />Chairman <br />-5- <br />meeting, it was 'adjourned. <br />