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Center Building Fund contracts as follows:: <br />John.William.Brown Company -=,$344.00. <br />Johnson Electric=-.------------------ 2.75.0V <br />Miller. Heating---------------------- 187.00.. <br />Messrs.' Hancock,. Rogers, F. Wicker., and G. Wi.cker all voted <br />for the motion and no one :voted against it.. <br />Upon motion of .Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,. <br />duly seconded by Commissioner. J. Eugene Rogers, it was resolved <br />to: appropriate'.$595 OO Yrom the unappropriated surplus in the <br />General Fund to the Public„Building Account in the General <br />Fund.for building improvements: in, the C'ourth'ouse. Messrs. <br />Hancock,. Rogers, F... Wicker, and G.' Wickeer. all. voted for, the <br />resolution and no one .voted against it.. <br />Commissioner.Franklin.D. Wicker moved the sum of <br />$250.' appropriated from the Bond.issue funds to repair <br />the road entrance to the industrial site.of Redman Industry <br />where the roadway was cut'by.the water line extension. <br />Commissioner:Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote: 'it <br />was unanimously adopted. Messrs.' Hancock,: Rogers, F. Wicker., <br />and G. Wicker all voted ;and no one..voted against it. <br />Commissioner Franklin`D. Wicker. moved the Board go <br />on record as authorizing and approving of tile- expenditure <br />of`$' to attach the Jonesboro Elementary School <br />J to the water line :to.the;school maintenance garage.. Commissioner <br />J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion, and upon a roll' call vote.,. <br />Messrs.: Hancock', Rogers, F. Wicker., and G. Wicker.all.voted <br />for it and no one.-voted against it. <br />Commissioner. J. Eugene' Rogers moved that $880:90, '.be <br />appropriated.'from Revenue Sharing Funds addition. <br />to the water. line at .the school maintenance garage. Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll call <br />.vote,.Messrs. Hancock, Rogers, F. Wicker, and G- Wicker all <br />voted for it and no one :voted against it... <br />-4- <br />