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The Board adjourned its. meeting at 11:00.'o.'clock A.M. <br />to taka: up its. duties as the..County.'s Board of Equalization <br />and Review in the 'County Tax Supervisor's. Office.: The. Board <br />reconvened its' meeting at 12:!20, o'clock. P.M*. with all members <br />present.:.. <br />.The Board took :up and discuss'e'd its.contract with <br />John C. Muse and Company.. Upon motion of.C'ommissioner.Cooper., <br />seconded by. Commissioner. Franklin'D. Wick'e'r:, authorized the <br />Chairman to executes the: contract on behalf of the County. <br />for-the coming year. <br />.Upon motion of Commissioner: Rogers, seconded by. <br />Commissioner.Cooper. and unanimously adopted,. the Board <br />authorized the issuance of the 'Proclamation proclaiming the . <br />use of beef. for Father's Day as requested by. representatives. <br />of the North Carolina Bee'f.Industry.. A copy of the Proclamation <br />is attached to-these minutes.. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner: Hal L.' Hancock,: seconded <br />by. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker. and' unanimously adopted, <br />it was resolved to. designate. the week beginning May 19,.,. <br />as Senior Citizens Week and to. designate: May 19,. 1974; as <br />Senior Citizens Day. <br />The Board,. upon motion made,: duly seconded and. <br />unanimously: adopted, adopted a resolution designating Tuesday <br />May •14;: 1.974, as Teacher. Appreciation' Day in. Lee County. A <br />COPY of the'resolution is 'attached to: these minutes and by. <br />this reference made a part hereof., <br />Commissioner. Cooper. reported that Mr. Whitfield <br />had advised that .there was a possibility-of obtaining some <br />matching funds in. July to apply. on the :purchase ',of another <br />ambulance.. <br />At..the request :of Commissioner: Hancock,. the-Board <br />took under advisement,'-.and upon motion made,, seconded and <br />unanimously adopted, authorized the purchase of a-quantity-of <br />8 yard trash containers: for use by. the 'landfill personnel. <br />At.the' request of Commissioner.Franklin D. Wicker, <br />the'Board took ;up..thematter of participation in-the PACE <br />Program.. Upon'motion made,: seconded and unanimously <br />adopted,.it was resolved that .the':County..wo:uld participate <br />in the PACE Program during the::coming year. <br />There, being no further. business, 'to:'come before. the <br />meeting, it was adjourned. <br />~+*~1 Q <br />IGORDON A. WICKER <br />Chairman <br />- 3- <br />