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B K 00026 PG <br />Attachment C <br />For the period 7/1/2014 — 6/30/2015 <br />Line Item Budget and Budget Narrative <br />Provide a budget and short narrative on the use of the funding amount reflected on the contract. Please provide details of <br />all expenses including routine charges. These expenditures may include telephone, postage, salary, equipment purchases, <br />internet services etc. Upon termination of contract as a SHIIP Coordinating Site, any equipment or property less than five <br />(5) years old purchased by grantee with grant funds to perform SHIIP functions shall be returned to the Agency in good <br />working order. <br />All budgets must be approved by the Agency. <br />Grantee Name: The Enrichment Center <br />�► #ee.filit�� ;'h� �i�tclh�i�nl:�en��r <br />Budget <br />Amount <br />Contractual <br />Construction <br />Supplies <br />1,600.00 <br />Equipment <br />Other <br />1,571.00 <br />Travel <br />1,000.00 <br />Personnel <br />Fringe <br />Total <br />4,171.00 <br />Narrative: <br />The grant funds will be utilized to assist Medicare beneficiaries in a variety of ways. $1600 will be used to purchase <br />program supplies including paper, ink, phone and internet services. $1000 will be used to cover the costs of trainings that <br />will benefit the program and the costs incurred in fulfilling the required attendance at the 2014 -15 SHIIP conference that <br />was held in July 2014. The remaining $1571 will assist with advertising, promotional items and volunteer appreciation. <br />Page 13 of 16 <br />