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nos <br />• Minutes from the May 21, 2007 regular meeting; <br />• • Lee County Arts Council grant application for Youth Services; <br />• Resolution in memory of Mr. Donald Buie (per attached copy) <br />• Board of Election grant from the Department of Health and Human <br />Services in the amount of $4,710.77; <br />• FY 2007-08 Home and Community Care Block Grant for Senior Services; <br />• Refund of $110.00 for overages collected by the Register of Deeds <br />Office, <br />• Acceptance of three (3) canoes for San-Lee Park in memory of Mr. <br />Donald Buie, valued at $900.00; and <br />• Permission for Mr. Stephen Campbell, Campbell Lawncare to temporarily <br />use the Lee County Landfill while the Anderson Creek Landfill is under <br />construction <br />Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Brown, Kelly, Lemmond, Paschal, Reives, and Shook <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />The following individuals signed up to speak during the Public Comments section <br />of the meeting: <br />• Mr. Jimmy Fraley, 3535 Nicholson Road, Cameron - in support of Kirk <br />Smith for the District 2 seat; disappointed in some members of the <br />Board. <br />• Ms. Gail Hogan, 223 McIver Street, Sanford - in support of Mr. Kirk <br />Smith for the District 2 seat; should not penalize him for his outspoken <br />comments. <br />• Mr. Eugene Bareufkin, 376 Kittery Point, Sanford - (1) questioned why <br />the public comment section of the meeting is at the first of the meeting <br />instead of at the end, (2) thinks Sandhills Mental Health should furnish <br />more information to the Commissioners, and (3) in favor of a I% property <br />transfer tax that could generate over $2.4 million for the county in one <br />year. <br />• Mr. Matt Garrett, 1305 Clearwater Drive, Sanford - commended <br />Commissioners on their resolution in memory of Mr. Donald Buie. <br />Commissioner Lemmond read and presented a resolution in memory of Mr. <br />Donald Buie to Mr. Buie's wife, Mrs. Jeannie Buie. <br />At this time the Board held a public hearing in reference to the FY 2007-08 <br />budget. Interim County Manager Lisa Minter gave brief high-lights of the recommended <br />budget. <br />Chairman Brown opened the public hearing and the following individual spoke: <br />U <br />2 <br />