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012 : <br />® L,~EE_,-C~', OUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tornorrow <br />PROCLAMATION <br />OLDER AMERICANS MONTH <br />MAY 2007 <br />WHEREAS, Lee County is home to more than 9,000 citizens 60 years of age or older; and <br />WHEREAS, the older citizens of Lee County represent a dramatic trend in our nation's <br />demographic make-up; and <br />WHEREAS, older persons are diverse, respected citizens who continue to contribute to our <br />nation's social and economic well-being, and <br />WHEREAS, a growing number of baby boomers are rapidly becoming older citizens, and <br />the number of individuals providing care to family members and friends is expanding <br />significantly, and <br />• WHEREAS, the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead require us to think differently <br />about health and long term care, and work together to rebalance and modernize our current <br />system so that we may adequately plan for and address the needs of current and future <br />generations, and <br />WHEREAS, older persons are entitled to live lives of dignity and independence through: <br />• Streamlined access to information and community services, <br />• Information about cost-effective prevention practices and activities that will <br />improve health and quality of life; and <br />• Provide innovative, affordable options of care and support that will provide an <br />array of choices about how and where to live. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, We the Lee County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim <br />May 2007 as OlderAmericans Month and urge all citizens to honor older adults, and those <br />who care for them. Lee County citizens are urged to promote and participate in activities <br />that contribute to helping older Americans make choices for a healthy and rewarding future. <br />Dated this 7`h day of May 2007. <br />O <br />Robert H. Brown, Chairman <br />ATTEST: Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />