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G <br />® necessary until a final qualifying bid which has not been upset is <br />received. <br />9. The Clerk to the Board shall report the final qualifying bid to the Board <br />of Commissioners at the first regular meeting of the Board, which <br />meets more than five (5) days after the bid, acquires such status. <br />10.The Board of Commissioners shall make a final decision within thirty <br />(30) days after the date of the regular session on which the final <br />qualifying offer is listed on the agenda for consideration. Failure to act <br />on said offer within said period shall constitute rejection and the <br />deposit shall be returned to the last and highest bidder. <br />11. The Board of Commissioners may at any time reject any and all offers. <br />12. If no qualifying upset bid is received after the initial public notice, the <br />offer set forth above is hereby accepted. The appropriate county <br />officials are authorized to execute the instruments necessary to convey <br />the property to Mr. Paul Utley. <br />Adopted this day of January 2007. <br />Robert H. Brown, Chairman <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />ATTEST: <br />Gaynell M. Lee, Clerk <br />Lee County Board of Commissioners <br />11 <br />