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{ :r <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />THE LEE COUNTY UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Lee County, North Carolina that the <br />Unified Development Ordinance be, and it hereby is, amended as follows: <br />Section 1. Article 5. Supplemental Development Regulations, Section 5.1 Accessory Uses and <br />Structures, Subsection be rewritten as follows: <br />5.1. L I This section applies to any subordinate Use of a Building or other Structure, <br />or Use of land which is: (1) conducted on the same Lot as the principal Use to which it <br />is related (except as permitted under § below), and (2) clearly incidental to, and <br />customarily found in connection with, such principal Use. Uses are deemed permitted <br />as part of the principal Use and shall not require a separate permit, unless otherwise <br />provided in the regulations established in this Article for the particular use. <br />Section 2. Article 5. Supplemental Development Regulations, Section 5.1 Accessory Uses and <br />Structures, Subsection be rewritten as follows: <br /> Accessory buildings or uses shall not be constructed or established oil a lot until <br />construction of the principal building has commenced or the primary use is established, <br />except as permitted under § below. Accessory buildings shall not be used for <br />dwelling purposes, except where permitted in this Ordinance. <br />Section 3. Article 5. Supplemental Development Regulations, Section 5.1 Accessory Uses be <br />amended to include a new subsection to read as follows: <br /> Accessory buildings and related uses may be permitted on a parcel without a <br />principal use or structure under the following conditions: <br />• The subject property is located within the zoning jurisdiction of Lee County (not <br />permitted in the City of Sanford or Town of Broadway zoning jurisdictions) and <br />the property is zoned either RA Residential Agricultural or RR Restricted <br />Residential; <br />• The associated principal use exists on an adjoining lot (which includes lots <br />separated by a public right-of-way or a combination of contiguously owned <br />lots); and <br />• A Special Use Permit has been granted by the Lee County Board of Adjustment <br />(see § 3.5 of this Ordinance). <br />Section 4. Article 6. Subdivision Regulations, Section 6.4 Cluster Subdivisions be deleted in its <br />entirety and that Section 6.4 be reserved. <br />Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. <br />® Adopted this the 7`h day of May 2007. <br />