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7 9 <br />• Amendment # 1 - Section 5.1 Accesson, Uses and Structures <br />I.) Amend Section 5. 1.1 APPLICABILITY to read as follows <br /> This section applies to any subordinate Use of a Building or other Structure. or Use of land <br />which is: (I) conducted on the same Lot as the principal Use to which it is related (except as <br />permitted under § 5.1 2.2.:belo y) , and (2) clearly incidental to, and customarily found in <br />connection with, such principal Use. Uses are deemed permitted as part of the principal Use <br />and shall not require a separate permit, unless otherwise provided in the regulations <br />established in this Article for the particular use. <br />2.) Amend Section 5.1.2 ESTABLISHMENT to read as follows, <br /> Accessory buildings or uses shall not be constructed or established on a lot until construction <br />of the principal building has commenced or the primary use is established. except as permitted <br />under § below. Accessory buildings shall not be used for dwelling purposes, except <br />where permitted in this Ordinance. <br /> Within the RA and RR zoning districts, accessory buildings and related uses may be permitted <br />on "a parcel without a principal use under the-following conditions• the principal use cYtsts on an adjoming lot (which includes lots separated by'a public <br />right of,ivay or a combmauon`of conpguously"owned lots) 'a id <br />• a Special'Use Perniit is gi'a'ited bytheBoard'of Adjustment per § 15>of this'Ordinance. <br />0 <br />Amendment # 2 - Section 6.4 Clsuter Subdivisions <br />I.) Delete Section 6.4 CLUSTER SUBDIVISIONS in its entirety and re-title Section 6.4 as <br />RESERVED. <br />0 <br />