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Agenda Package - 04-02-07
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Agenda Package - 04-02-07
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Last modified
3/26/2009 9:30:54 AM
Creation date
1/26/2009 2:29:04 PM
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Board of Commissioners
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q0 <br />• A <br />Agreement, then County shall be entitled to immediately terminate <br />this Agreement, without penalty or liability, except the payment of <br />all contract fees due under this Agreement up to and through the <br />last day of service. <br />6.3 Responsibility for Inmate Health Care Upon termination of this <br />Agreement, all responsibility for providing health care services to all inmates, including <br />inmates receiving health care services at sites outside the Jail, will be transferred from <br />SHP to County. <br />ARTICLE VII. COMPENSATION. <br />7.1 Base Compensation. County will pay to SHP the annualized base price of <br />$169,800.00 during the initial term of this Agreement, payable in monthly installments. <br />Monthly installments during the initial term will be in the amount of $14,150.00 each. <br />SHP will bill County approximately 30 days prior to the month in which services are to <br />be rendered. County agrees to pay SHP prior to the tenth day of the month in which <br />services are rendered. In the event this Agreement should commence or terminate on <br />a date other than the first or last day of any calendar month, compensation to SHP will <br />• be pro-rated accordingly for the shortened month. <br />7.2 Increases and Decreases in Inmate Population County and SHP agree <br />that the annual base price is calculated based upon an average daily inmate population <br />of up to 125. If the average daily inmate population exceeds 125 inmates, then the <br />compensation payable to SHP by County shall be increased by a per diem rate of $2.25 <br />for each inmate over 125. The average daily inmate resident population shall be <br />calculated by adding the population or head count totals taken at a consistent time each <br />day and dividing by the number of counts taken. The excess over an average of 125, if <br />any, will be multiplied by the per diem rate and by the number of days in the month to <br />arrive at the increase in compensation payable to SHP for that month. In all cases <br />where adjustments become necessary, the invoice adjustment will be made on the <br />invoice for a subsequent month's services. For example, if there is an average <br />population for any given month of 130 inmates, resulting in an excess of five (5) <br />inmates, then SHP shall receive additional compensation of five (5) times the per diem <br />rate times the number of days in that month. The resulting amount will be an addition to <br />the regular base fee and will be billed on a subsequent monthly invoice. <br />This per- diem is intended to cover additional cost in those instances where <br />minor, short-term changes in the inmate population result in the higher utilization of <br />routine supplies and services. However, the per diem is not intended to provide for any <br />• additional fixed costs, such as new fixed staffing positions that might prove necessary if <br />the inmate population grows significantly and if the population increase is sustained. In <br />such cases, SHP reserves the right to negotiate for an increase to its staffing <br />complement and its contract price in order to continue to provide services to the <br />
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