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LEE COUNTY <br />Commrlled Todoy for c Geller Tomorrow <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: David M. Smitherman, County Manager <br />FROM: Lesa E. Price, Strategic Initiatives Director 0 <br />DATE: March 8, 2007 <br />SUBJECT: March 2007 Employee of the Month <br />The Employee Selection Committee for the Employee of the Month program is proud to <br />announce that Mr. Kenneth R. Hoyle, County Attorney with the Lee County Attorney's <br />Office, has been selected as the March 2007 Employee of the Month. The committee <br />respectfully request to have Mr. Hoyle recognized and awarded at the March 19, 2007 <br />Board of Commissioners' meeting. <br />The committee also requests to have the Chairman of the Lee County Board of <br />Commissioners present Mr. Hoyle his awards. He will receive a day off with pay, a star <br />award, a framed certificate, a pizza, compliments of Papa John's Pizza, Coca Cola <br />products, compliments of Sanford Coca Cola Bottling Co. and a movie rental, <br />compliments of Movie Gallery. <br />Thank you for your support of this program. If you have any questions please let me <br />know. <br />0 <br />04 <br />MAR 17 <br />