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LEE COUNTY <br />Committed Today for a Better Tomorrow <br />LEE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ITEM ABSTRACT ITEM NO. I. A. <br />Information <br />Meeting Date: August 18, 2014 XX Action Item <br />Consent Agenda <br />SUBJECT Community & Economic Development Joint Use Facility Buggy Factory <br />Lease <br />DEPARTMENT Administration <br />CONTACT PERSON John Crumpton, County Manager <br />REQUEST Approve Four Party Lease Agreement with Progressive Contractors (jointly <br />with the City of Sanford and Sanford Lee County Partnership for Prosperity) and Interlocal Agreement with <br />the City of Sanford for the use by Community and Economic Development Departments and Agencies at <br />the Buggy Factory. <br />SUMMARY At the August 4th meeting of the County Commissioner, this item was <br />tabled until the contracts could be agreed upon by all parties. In addition, the Commissioners asked <br />questions concerning the agreements and the cost to move into the facility which could not be addressed at <br />that time. The attached memo and newly drafted agreements address many of the issues that came up at <br />the last meeting. As a reminder, the City of Sanford and Lee County Intergovernmental Relations <br />Committee developed this plan that would co- locate Community and Economic Development departments <br />and agencies into one facility. At the June 16, 2014 Commissioners meeting, the Board approved a <br />Resolution of Support for this project. It is the intent of the City and County to co- locate the following <br />departments and agencies to the Buggy Factory: Partnership for Prosperity (Chamber of Commerce and <br />Economic Development), Community Development, Planning, Building Inspections, Code Enforcement, <br />Downtown Sanford Inc., Strategic Services (GIS), Environmental Health and Marketing. The Partnership <br />will be signing the lease agreement as its own entity. <br />BUDGET IMPACT In the Fiscal Year of 2015 -16 the County will begin making lease payments <br />to Progressive Contractors of % of the space that the City and County Departments occupy. At the August <br />4th meeting the rent communicated to the Board would be $190,000 with the City and County together <br />paying $150,000 with this amount being evenly split between the two governments. Utilities will be evenly <br />split as well. Each agency will be responsible for furnishings for the departments they control. After further <br />discussions with our partners it was determined that it would be recommended that we lease a portion of <br />the Ground Floor at a reduced square footage cost. This proposal added $25,392 to the total lease amount <br />making the total annual lease for the first 3 years $215,392. The County's share of this amount in the first 3 <br />years would be $87,696. It is estimated that the utilities and other monthly expenses will not exceed <br />$25,000. Therefore the total annual operational impact in the first year will be $112,696. <br />ATTACHMENT(S) (1) Memorandum from County Manager <br />(2) Resolution approving Interlocal Agreement and Lease <br />