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B K 00026 PG: 0838 <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve the order introduced entitled "Order Authorizing <br />$4,000,000 Community College Bonds ", a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by <br />this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve the order introduced entitled "Order Authorizing <br />$5,000,000 Community College Bonds ", a copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by <br />this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Reives moved to approve a Resolution Calling for a Bond Referendum, a <br />copy of which is attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a <br />vote, the results were as follows: <br />Aye: Dalrymple, Frazier, Knecht, Parks, Reives, Smith, and Womack <br />Nay: None <br />The Chairman ruled the motion had been adopted unanimously. <br />Commissioner Womack stated the Board was misleading the community because the <br />CCCC bonds ignore a number of other capital expenses the County needs to address, <br />especially the need for a new elementary school. He didn't feel it was fair to put the CCCC <br />bonds before taxpayers without sharing the need for another school in the near future. <br />Commissioner Reives stated the Board of Education has not requested a new school at this <br />time because they feel the community college has waited long enough to make their request, <br />therefore he does not feel he is misleading the community on anything. <br />Mr. Marty Tillman from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) gave a <br />presentation on the upcoming Hawkins Avenue and US #1 round -about project that has an <br />anticipated construction date of the first of September at an estimated construction cost of $1.8 <br />million. Various questions and answers followed the presentation. No action was taken. <br />The Board considered a recommendation from the Lee County Planning Board in <br />reference to the application by Connie & Judy Deal and Laws Family Trust to rezone 3 tracts of <br />land totaling 3.125 acres of land located at 7273 Lemon Springs Road from Neighborhood <br />Community (NC) district to Highway Commercial (HC) district. Planner Althea Thompson stated <br />that the Planning Board recommended approval of the above referenced application. After <br />discussion, Commissioner Reives moved to approve the recommendation of the Planning Board <br />and an Ordinance Amending the Official Zoning Map of Lee County, North Carolina, a copy of <br />which is attached to these Minutes and by this reference made a part hereof. Upon a vote, the <br />results were as follows: <br />3 <br />