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B K 00026 PG <br />EXHIBIT A <br />[A list of any persons making comments and a summary of such comments to be attached. If no <br />comments are made, please insert "None ".] <br />1. Julian Philpott 1920 Lakespur Drive, Sanford — renovations are important to the college; <br />would like to see the college improve over the next 50 years; CCCC is a shining star for <br />Lee County; need more space for some programs offered; encouraged the BOC to vote <br />for the bonds to be placed on the November ballot. <br />2. Keith Clark 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford — let the people vote; passage of bonds does not <br />mean debt will ever be issued or buildings ever built; decisions will be made by the new <br />incoming board after the next election. <br />3. Terri Clark 212 Acorn Drive, Sanford — need the community college so children that <br />cannot afford to attend a 4 -year college will have a place to get a better education; vital <br />part of the county; needs to be funded. <br />4. James Kelly 937 Valley Road, Sanford — appreciates Commissioners taking this under <br />consideration; CCCC Board of Trustees are only asking for what the college needs at this <br />time; renovations needed; feels it is a smart thing to do. <br />5. Bobby Powell 909 Gilmore Drive, Sanford — CCCC is a focal point in the community; <br />give the college a chance to do their job to make the college even better than it is; please <br />put on November ballot and let the citizens vote. <br />6. Richard Hayes 2004 Vantage Point, Sanford — all 4 bonds are very important to the <br />county; special obligation to the citizens; please continue to lead the effort. <br />7. William Carver, 104 Streel Bridge Road, Sanford — CCCC is a great value to the county; <br />college is doing their job; let the voters make the choice <br />8. Ed Underwood 3309 Westcott Circle, Sanford — (not in opposition but just giving <br />observations) — need to prioritize the order buildings will be constructed; classrooms need <br />to be used efficiency; design conservatively; do not need to raise taxes. <br />9. Dale Marks 1258 Black Road, Cameron — would like to know what the final cost will be <br />for all the college is asking for; what will maintenance costs be for the buildings; not <br />against education but not for all the fancy stuff some people want. <br />A -1 <br />