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-'k'► <br />BOOK U PA071 <br />WHEREAS, John A. Lang, Jr., a native of <br />Moore County, died on June 27, 1974; <br />AND WHEREAS, John A. Lang, Jr.,. through- <br />out his long and distinguished career as a <br />public servant displayed a marked affection <br />for Lee County and its. citizens; <br />AND WHEREAS, in the death of Mr. Lang, <br />the State of North Carolina has suffered the <br />loss of an outstanding citizen and public <br />servant; <br />AND WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners <br />for Lee County wishes to record its <br />appreciation of his life and his contribution <br />to"the citizens of this County.and to express <br />its sympathy to his family. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the <br />Board of Commissioners for Lee County: <br />1. That in the death of John A. <br />Lang, Jr., Lee County has suffered the <br />loss.of a distinguished friend and <br />servant. <br />2. That the Board of Commissioners <br />for Lee County does hereby express its <br />appreciation of John A. Lang, Jr., as a <br />devoted public servant and friend and <br />does hereby extend its sympathy to his <br />family for the loss of its distinguished <br />member. <br />3. That this resolution be spread <br />upon the minutes of this Board and a <br />copy shall be transmitted to the family <br />of. John A. Lang, Jr. <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker reported that the Board <br />of Social Services had had very little luck in securing a <br />replacement for Mr. Mack Worley and asked the corporation <br />of all the members of the Board in finding a suitable <br />replacement.for Mr. Worley as Director. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker reported that the <br />Manpower Area Planning Council had secured an additional <br />grant for the Summer Youth Employment Program and that Lee <br />County's share would be $100,342.00. rather than $83,138.00 <br />and this would allow the 108 enrollees in this program to <br />work 40 hours per week. He also reported that the Summer <br />Recreational and Transportation Support would amount to <br />$3,434.00 and that plans for the use of these funds were <br />being worked out with Mr. Sonny Baker, Recreation Director. <br />The Board next discussed attendance by members of <br />the Board to the National Association of County Officers'. <br />Convention in Miami, Florida. Commissioner William,H. <br />Cooper moved that Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers be designated <br />as the delegate to said convention and that Commissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker be designated as the alternate and that <br />said Commissioners, together with the County Finance Officer, <br />be authorized and directed to attend said Convention. Commissioner <br />Hal L.' Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />-4- <br />