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® bou 8 Nast 382 <br />Library-Broadway Building Fund --$12;;930..00.;'. Tax Supervisor <br />$1,076.00.;Tax Colle.ction $15$•00; Sheriff's.Department <br />$6:,.5.28.00.; Electrical Inspection;-- $635.00.;'. Veterans <br />Service $22.5.00.;: Civil Defense $1`,390;.'.00.;: FICA Tax <br />$1:,724.-00.;` Group Insurance $7.07.00.;. Compensation Bonds <br />$1,216•.00..'. <br />Commissioner: Hancock seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />call vote:,. Messrs. Cooper.,. Hancock, and Gordon Wicker. all <br />voted.for it and no one.-voted against it.. <br />Commissioner Cooper: moved that the Electrical <br />Inspector be. authorized and directed to. charge mileage at <br />the rate. of 15~ per. mile in the performance of his services.. <br />Commissioner. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote:, it <br />was. unanimously adopted.' <br />Commissioner.Cooper moved that the County proceed <br />to advertise.for bids,for the purchase of a computing machine. <br />Commissioner. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote.,. <br />it.was unanimously adopted. <br />The Chairman next reviewed the correspondence <br />received'by. the Board. <br />Mr. Charles. Sheppard appeared before the Board on <br />behalf of the: Human Relations Council. Mr. Sheppard <br />reviewed the work of the Board and requested that. 'funding <br />for the..clerical.position be. reinstated in.the budget. No <br />formal action was taken at this time.. <br />The Chairman reported that Mr. Glenn York had <br />submitted his resignation as a member of the Health Planning <br />Council... Upon motion made,. seconded, and unanimously <br />adopted, it. was resolved to accept Mr..York's resignation. <br />Commissioner Hancock was requested to;find a replacement <br />for this position. <br />Messrs. Pate.and Mullins appeared before the <br />Board to open bids on projects. authorized by the-Board at <br />the Armory. It appeared, however,. that not enough bids <br />had been recieved to award a contract;' and .therefore, the <br />Board instructed the architects-to. readvertise,for bids on <br />the project.. <br />Chairman Wicker. reported to the Board of an <br />.inquiry,from the Sanford Chamber.of Commerce relating to <br />the establishment of a Data Processing Center, for <br />governmental units in Lee County.. The Board <br />agencies. and departments. to corporate. in such a study. <br />The petition requesting the :addition of Hayden <br />Avenue in.Hanover Circle Subdivision was presented to.the . <br />Board. Commissioner Cooper moved the adoption of the <br />following resolution with.respect to said street.: <br />WHEREAS, the attached petition has been <br />filed with the Board of County. Commissioners <br />of the County.of Lee. requesting that the above <br />described road, the location of which has been <br />indicated in red on the-attached map, be. added <br />to-the Secondary Road system; and <br />-2- <br />