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BOOK 8 mi 390 <br />Commissioner.J. Eugene Rogers moved that the sum <br />of ':$367-.'00,'be'appropriated from the unappropriated surplus <br />in the :General Fund to the Sheriff's:Department,for the purpose <br />of,.funding the LEAA application approved by. this: Board. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker.seconded the motion and <br />upon a.roll' call vote., Messrs. Cooper.,' Hancock,' Rogers, <br />F. Wicker:, and G. Wicker..all.voted for it and no one voted <br />against it., <br />Commissioner. William H..Cooper moved that the <br />statement of Lee Paving Company in the amount of $1,190..'.00.'. <br />for paving at the Public. Health Center be. approved and that. <br />the sum of $178'.50 be. appropriated from the-unappropriated <br />surplus in the General Fund to.the Public, Heath Fund,for the . <br />purpose of paying for additional paving and that the . <br />.statement, for said additional work also be 'approved,.for <br />Q payment.. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a roll call :vote:, Messrs. Cooper, Hancock,.. <br />Rogers,.F. Wicker., and G. Wicker. all voted,for it and no <br />1 one :voted against it. <br />The Board next proceeded to. open the.bids received <br />for an electronic accounting machine.. The.low bid was <br />submitted by.the Burroughs'.Company. in the amount of $15,111.20... <br />After discussion about the neces'sity,:for s.uch.a machine, <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper moved that the low bid be.. <br />accepted and-the 'purchase of the machine be: authorized as <br />provided in the.budget. Commissioner:.Hal L.' Hancock seconded <br />the motion and upon,.Messrs. Cooper., Hancock, Rogers,' <br />F. Wicker., and G. Wicker all voted. for it.. <br />The:Board next..considered a request that .the Hawkins <br />Road which is.a dirt road which extends for approximately a <br />quarter. of a mile off Secondary Road #1456 be added to the <br />Secondary Road System. for maintenance. : Commissioner.William <br />H. Cooper: moved the adoption of the :following resolution: <br />WHEREAS, the.attached petition has been <br />filed with the.Board of County Commissioners of <br />the County: of Lee. requesting that the above <br />described road, the location of which has been <br />indicated in red on the attached map,. be. added <br />to.the Secondary Road system; and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners <br />is-of. the opinion that the above. described road <br />should be: the Secondary Road System, <br />if the road meets. minimum standards.and criteria <br />established by-the Division of Highways of the <br />Department of Transportation and Highway Safety. <br />for the. 'addition of roads to the System. <br />NOW,. THEREFORE, be it resolved by. the Board <br />of County Commissioners of the.County.of Le'e' <br />that the Division of Highways is'herehy requested <br />to review the above. described road, and to take. <br />over. the road for maintenance :if-it meets. <br />established standards and 'criteria. <br />Co'mmissioner.Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote:, it-was unanimously adopted. <br />-3= <br />