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® <br />BOOK 8 PAGE403 <br />stadium lights ahead of classrooms. At .this time he announced <br />he would withdraw his motion, and Commissioner.J: Eugene Rogers <br />stated he was willing to withdraw his second, and both the motion <br />and the 'second were withdrawn. Thereupon, Commissioner J. Eugene. <br />Rogers moved that .the sum of $211,0.00:..00 be appropriated from.the . <br />school capital reserve fund to the school capital outlay :fund <br />for the purpose of purchasing 10'acres`adjoining the Greenwood <br />School to be used for the purpose of obtaining an option from <br />Mr. Reece Lemmond's-'land of 50 acres located on the Jonesboro- <br />Lemon Springs Highway. Commissioner Hal L.: Hancock seconded the <br />motion.::'Further discussion'of..the motion followed. Upon a roll <br />,. Messrs. 'Hancock,. Rogers,': Franklin. D. Wicker and <br />Gordon A. Wicker all voted for it, and no one voted against it. <br />Vice.Chairman Dalrymple 'reported to the Board.that:at the <br />end of the-fiscal year of June 30, 19,74 ,:.the School Board. had in <br />its current expense-reserve.the sum of.$389-,731.00.' The School <br />Board had previous,ly.reported to .the'Board -of Commissioners that <br />it would have'a reserve of $153,'0.00..00, which the Board had used <br />as available revenue in making. the 19,74-.1.9.75 Budget: There is <br />a balance of$236:, the school current expense reserve,.. <br />and that $105',9.31.00_will. give '.them a sufficient.reserve for the <br />coming. .year; and therefore they asked the Board to-appropriate <br />$109,8.00..00'among the following, various projects.: Stadium lights, <br />$43;0.00..00;. classrooms, '.$20,.0.00.00;'. new bus garage, ,$10;:8.00.00;. <br />and vehicles, $36,0.00:.'.00.- After. a discussion.'Commissioner J. <br />Eugene Rogers moved that.the Board approve the transfer.of <br />$66-,0.00..00'.from the school current expense reserve to the school <br />capital outlay fund and approve.its expenditure for the following <br />projects'in.the'amounts indicated: Classrooms, '$20,:0.00-..00;'. <br />new.bus garage;:'$10',:8.00.'.00;. and vehicles, $36,'000.00.'. Commissioner. <br />Hal L.: Hancock seconded the motion and upon a .vote, Messrs. Hancock, <br />Rogers, and Gordon Wicker. all voted Ayes." Commissioner Franklin <br />D.' Wicker..voted Naye. The Chairman declared the motion carried <br />by. a majority. vote. <br />.There being no further business to come before. the <br />session,,it was adjourned. <br />J° GORDON. A. WICKER <br />Chairman <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Presented for registration on the...,l/....... <br />ry.._197~at /...~:_z aAM <br />recorded in Book .....0......-........ pap.. O..y <br />Pattie W. McGilvary, Register of Deeds <br />=4= <br />