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I/ <br />® BOOK D PAu 40 <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker reported to .the Board that <br />Doctor and Mrs. John E. Dotterer. had made a gift of $5,000..00 <br />to;the County for library purposes. Commissioner. 'Franklin D. <br />Wicker: moved that the Board acknowledge receipt of the gift <br />and.thank'Doctor and Mrs. Dotterer for their generosity. and <br />continuing interest in the library program in Lee County.. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker.reported that.the authorities <br />of the City.of Sanford were still working on the proposed <br />requirements of the Weyerhaeuser.Company. for water and sewage. <br />services and expected to make a residence in.ahe County in the . <br />near.future. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker advised the Board that the <br />maintenance crews were constructing a breezeway to connect the <br />offices occupied by. the Department of Social Services. <br />Commissioner. J. Eugene Rogers reported to .the Board <br />that the roofing repairs had been completed on the Armory <br />Building on McIver Street. <br />.Messrs. Marks Sharon and Robert Sink,. representing the <br />Lee County:Youth Council, appeared before the Board and gave a <br />report on .the activities of their agency. The Board complimented <br />the representatives on their accomplishments and their interests <br />in County Government.' <br />Vice Chairman Robert W. Dalrymple,.Superintendent Kenneth <br />.Brinson,.-Assistant Superintendent Brooks, and Assistant Superin- <br />tendent Atkinson,.all appeared before the Board, of the Sanford- <br />Lee County. Board of Education. Mr. Jimmy L.' Love,. Attorney for <br />the Board of Education, was also present... There was a discussion <br />about he proper method to convey to the County the property. <br />adjoining the CCTI campus and its former. administrative office . <br />site. Mr. Love reported that he believed the provisions of <br />General Statutes 160A-274 would authorize the Board of Education <br />to convey the site .to the exchange 'for..the new quarters <br />and the new school bus garage facility. Mr. Love and the County <br />.Attorney were requested to prepare.the.necessary resolutions and <br />deeds to effect the transfer of title to the County of these <br />properties. <br />.Mr. Dalrymple,.Vice Chairman of the Board, made a request <br />for $20; purchase 10 '.acres in Greenwood Township.,. <br />adjoining the present site of the Greenwood School at Lemon Springs. <br />Mr. Dalrymple also:requested'$1,000-0O .to be used to obtain an <br />option from Mr. Reece Lemmond on a'50-acre site on the Jonesboro- <br />Lemon Springs Highway. Commissioner:Franklin D. Wicker made a <br />motion .that'$21,000-.'.00'be appropriated from the 'school capital <br />reserve fund to .the school capital outlay fund for the purpose <br />of purchasing a 10-'.acre site and taking the option on Mr. Reece <br />Lemmond's property on the Jonesboro-Lemon Springs Highway. Mr. <br />J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion...There followed discussion <br />as to`the price,_location and size of the tracts of land being <br />acquired. 'During the discussion Commissioner. Franklin D. Wicker. <br />asked if the School Board was going to request of the Board of <br /> pay for the metal light poles <br /> football stadium at the Central-High School.' <br />Vice Chairman Dalrymple indicated that theschool would' make <br />a request of $13;000.00 .for this purpose. Commissioner: Franklin <br />D. Wicker stated that he did not approve of the way the light <br />pole situation had been handled, and he could not support the <br />School Board since it appeared to him that they were placing <br />-3= <br />