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B K: 00026 PG <br />substitutions in Contractor's key personnel must be approved in advance by the County. <br />Contractor represents and warrants to the County that all services shall be performed by skilled <br />and competent personnel to the highest professional standards in the field. Contractor shall <br />remove from the work described in this Contract any person the County deems to be <br />incompetent, careless or otherwise objectionable. Provide in the Contractor's Technical <br />Proposal, the number of personnel that will be secured to provide the services described herein <br />broken into categories of job titles. <br />ARTICLE 20 <br />SAFETY <br />20.1 Contractor understands and acknowledges that it will be working in congested areas. <br />Contractor shall employ flag men and other necessary measures to protect the public <br />and shall be fully responsible for implementing safety measures in performing its work <br />under this Contract. Contractor will provide necessary traffic control measures. <br />20.2 Contractor shall be responsible for the conduct and actions of all of its employees and <br />subcontractors. Contractor's employees and subcontractors shall not exhibit any <br />pattern of discourteous behavior to the public or otherwise act in a manner contrary to <br />the best interests of the County. <br />20.3 Contractor shall employ and utilize sufficient manpower and equipment to assure that <br />work zone safety is in keeping with all requirements established by the Federal Highway <br />Administration's Manual for Work Zone Safety. The County reserves the right to curtail <br />work efforts until unsafe practices are corrected. Contractor shall present to the County, <br />within 48 hours of the execution of this Contract, a copy of emergency procedures <br />designed to facilitate prompt notification of emergency response personnel in the event <br />of accidents or injuries to employees or other persons associated with or in proximity to <br />work zones. It shall be the responsibility of Contractor to make assurances that any and <br />all equipment and /or vehicles used in connection with the work hereunder meet <br />applicable federal, State, and local laws and regulations regarding the use of such <br />vehicles and equipment on public roadways. <br />ARTICLE 21 <br />FEDERAL AND STATE TAXATION <br />Contractor shall be responsible for payment of its own and its share of its employee FICA and <br />Social Security benefits with respect to work performed under or contemplated by this Contract <br />and all other applicable taxes. <br />ARTICLE 22 <br />SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS <br />Page <br />19 <br />