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Wis <br />A representative of Pate-Mullins Architects and Engineers <br />reported on their recommendations for water and sewer lines of the <br />.Weyerhaeuser Industrial site North of Sanford. The Chairman was <br />requested to include these projects in-his discussions with the <br />City authorities. <br />A representative of Pate-Mullins appeared before the <br />board and presented a preliminary cost estimate for renovations <br />at the depot building in Sanford. The Clerk was requested to <br />..forward' these to the Seaboard Airline Railroad authorities•for <br />their consideration. <br />The Chairman read a letter from the Sanford-Lee County <br />Board'of"Education requesting authority to transfer the sum of <br />$42,995.00 from the current. expense fund to the capital outlay <br />fund in the school project for the purpose of paying for the lights <br />at the Paul B. Gay stadium at Sanford Central High School. The <br />history of this project was reviewed by Commissioner Cooper after <br />which-he made a motion that the School Board be authorized to <br />transfer the sum of $42,995.00 fromlits current expense fund to <br />its capital outlay fund'for.the purposet_of'paying.for the lights <br />at the stadium. Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers seconded the motion. <br />Messrs. Cooper, Hancock, Rogers and G.-Wicker all voted for it <br />and the Chairman declared the potion duly adopted. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper ~reported that the Cadillac <br />ambulance was in need of repair and.that budgetary funds be expended <br />to permit the overall 'of, thismotor vehicle and,-this was being done., <br />Commissioner Cooper reported this vehicle was being used as a pick-up <br />vehicle for the motor ambulance and for transfers of patients. <br />.Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers reported that the improvement <br />at the'Armory Building had been started and that the work was, <br />progressing nicely. Commissioner Rogers advised the board that it <br />will be necessary to have the building treated for termites and <br />that a further improvement project will be the replacement of the <br />floor in the structure. <br />Commissioner J. Eugene Rogers reported that his negortiitions <br />with, the Poe family had resulted in their rejection of the bid <br />of $18,000.00 for this property. The board authorized Commissioner <br />Rogers,to raise his bid to $18,100.00. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper reported that it would be <br />possible to add a 14x6' addition to the present maintenance <br />building which building could be utilized to house the old machines <br />and also provide additional storage space for the maintenance <br />department. The estimated cost would'be around $7,000.00. <br />Commissioner Cooper was authorized to have an architect prepare <br />plans and specifications'for such an addition for consideration <br />by the board. <br />There being no further business to come before the <br />session,'it was adjourned. <br />Zl~ <br />w <br />GORDON -A-. WICKER <br />Chairman <br />- 4 - <br />