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WHEREAS, under Dr. Bell''s leadership and' <br />imagination, the lives of thousands of the adult <br />population of this area were enriched:through <br />vocational and avocational courses. <br />WHEREAS,.the evening programs of Central <br />Carolina Technical Institute.have.gained local <br />and state=recognition as being outstanding. <br />WHEREAS, Dr. Edwin Bell is considered to <br />be chiefly'responsible"for these recognitions and <br />in recognition of this outstanding service, the <br />Board of Lee County Commissioners hereby designate <br />Sunday, October 27, 1974, as,Edwin A.-Bell Day,. <br />in Lee County, North Carolina. <br />Commissioner,William",H.- Cooper seconded the motion and <br />upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />President') Fr'-Hockaday extended an.invitation 'to.,the <br />members of,the board to:attend•anPoys,ter roast and steak supper <br />for the faculty of CCTI to be held at, 6:30 o'clock P. M. at the <br />Lee County'Fai,k Grounds oW Saturday, October- 2 1974. <br />r <br />Mr. Darrell Byerly appeared before the board and exhibited <br />an album of photographs of the Centennial Celebration.. Commissioner <br />Hancock moved that the sum o.f.$297.00 be appropriated from the <br />unappropriated surplus in the general fund for the purpose.-of <br />purchasing an album of the'Centennial,Celebration to be'preserved <br />as a historical item at the. Lee County "Courthouse..'.,Commissioner <br />Cooper seconded the motion, and upon a'vote, Messrs. Cooper, <br />Hancock; Rogers, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all 'voted for i't,.and <br />no one'doted against it. <br />A roster of-the West.Sanford.Fire Department was presented. <br />to the board and 'reviewed. After discussion, upon motion.of <br />Commissioner Hancock, seconded'by Commissioner Rogers, it'was <br />resolved to approve the roster as-submitted and to certify the <br />same to•'the appropriate state authorities. <br />The board 'resolved to authorize Chairman Gordon A. Wicker , <br />to communicate to Congressman David Henderson on the`desires'of <br />•the'board that our representative. support the program of revenue <br />sharing and to take all steps,to insure that this program.continues <br />Mr. D. B. Taylor appeared before the-boar d-and-domplained ' <br />that he'had carried his son to the Lee County Hospital on•"the <br />preceding•Saturday.+`and had to wait three•hours before the•boy ' <br />could be treated. The boars: thanked Mr. Taylor for bringing this <br />matter to their attention:and'suggested,that he direct his complaint <br />to the Board of Directors of the Lee County Hospital for their <br />consideration. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker reported to the board <br />he had received material pertaining to land use,planning and that <br />he would review-the material and report later-to the board. <br />The Chairman had the Clerk read the secondary road <br />improvement program adopted by the board at,its last meeting. <br />Representatives of Pate-Mullins'Architects and Engineers appeared <br />before the board and reported on their discussions with the state <br />authorities with respect to the sewer lines which.would serve the <br />Allis Chalmers plant north of Sanford. The Chairman'was'.requested <br />to take this matter up with the Mayor of the City, and if necessary; <br />to appear before the,Board of Aldermen in get the, matter <br />resolved. <br />- 3 <br />