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~ • t:i^ B.L.f:~ 2 <br />The monthly list of accounts payable was presented to the Board <br />for their consideration. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that the meeting dates and times <br />with regular meetings of the Board should be set by Resolution. After <br />discussion, Commissioner William H. Cooper moved that the regular meetings <br />of the Board of Commissioners for Lee County be held in the County Office <br />Building, in the Commissioner's Room, on the second floor of the County <br />Office Building at 200 Wicker Street, Sanford, North Carolina, at 9:30 a, m. <br />on the first Monday of each month, and at 7:00 p. m, on the 3rd Monday of each <br />month. Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on Monday, Novembbr 18th, <br />1974, were considered and approved, upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. <br />Wicker, seconded by Commissioner William H. Cooper, which motion'was <br />unanimously adopted, i <br />The written report of D. F. Holder as Sheriff of Lee County was <br />presented to the Board. <br />The statement of State Exterminating Company for $850. 00 for <br />treating the armory building and site for termites was approved and ordered <br />added to the list of monthly statements prepared by the County Finance Officer. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Hancock, the <br />list of statements prepared by the County Finance Officer, as amended, was <br />approved for payment. <br />The Board of Commissioners approved the appointment of list <br />takers by the Tax Supervisor, as follows: <br />West Sanford: Mrs. Pearl Bridges, Mrs. <br />Jonesboro: Mrs. Melrose Brooks, Mrs <br />East Sanford: Mrs. Grace Scott and Mrs. <br />Greenwood: Mrs. Nina Wicker <br />Pocket: Mrs. Norma Bullard <br />Cape Fear: Mrs. Paul Rosser <br />Deep River: Mrs. Lona Luck <br />Grace McDougald and Mrs. Ruby Sherron <br />Ruby Cox and Mrs. Paul Williams <br />Myrtle Harrington <br />The land value use schedule prepared by the Tax Supervisor and <br />the table of values to be used for listing in the calendar year 1975, prepared <br />by the Tax Supervisor were considered by the Board,' and upon motion of <br />Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it <br />was unanimously resolved to approve such schedules. Copies of the schedules <br />are attached hereto and by this reference made a part of these minutes. <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker reminded the members of the <br />Commission of the meeting for discussing legislative goals by the North Carolina <br />Association of County Commissioners which would be held in Raleigh. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, <br />was adjourned, sine die. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />It <br />