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v(~~tK er.~ <br />. Chairman Wicker acknowledged receipt of a letter from <br />the Mayor of the City of Gastonia, responding to his joint invitation with <br />Mayor Stewart that the Mayor of the City of Gastonia be their guest for <br />the 4A championship football game. Chairman Wicker expressed, for the <br />Board, its congratulations to the 'football team of Sanford Central High <br />School for its accomplishments during the past season. <br />Commissioner Dotterer introduced the following <br />resolution, which was read: <br />BE IT RESOLVED, by the <br />Board of Commissioners of the County of Lee: <br />1) That the contract between the <br />County of Lee and the North Carolina Department <br />of Natural and Economic Resources be and the <br />same is hereby, approved. <br />2) That the Chairman and the Clerk <br />be and they are hereby authorized to sign and execute <br />the said contract for and on behalf of the County of <br />Lee and forward the same to the North Carolina <br />Department of Natural,and Economic Resources. <br />3) That upon final execution, a copy of the <br />said contract be filed with the minutes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by <br />Commissioner Hancock, said resolution was unanimously passed. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper reported on the.Depot <br />project. <br />The Chairman appointed Commissioner John E. Dotterer <br />to serve with Mr. Derrell Mullins, Mrs. Reggie Bowman and Mr. John D. <br />Pegram, on the Lee County Council on Aging. <br />The Board discussed the Community Development Program and <br />the possibility of grants under this program. <br />The Board discussed the letter about the Emergency Operations <br />Center and the recommendations.of the State Coordinator, of the Division of.. <br />Civil Preparedness, for improvements in the County' sprogram. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker; seconded <br />by Commissioner Dotterer, it was RESOLVED to present Christmas Baskets <br />to the County Employees at the Courthouse on Christmas Eve. <br />The Board declared the meeting open for a public hearing on <br />the adoption of an ordinance respecting Inspection and Building Program. There <br />was no one present to'speak either for or against the ordinance and the public. <br />hearing was, on motion made and duly adopted; closed. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it <br />was adjourned, sine die. <br />CHAIRMAN <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY Preseoied for registration on the. <br />of_rn o r3t <br />reccrded in Ecok....c~._ppi9........ page ._..9.'s~9Otn., <br />. <br />Pattie W. IrlcGihary, Register of Deeds <br />