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O9r5 <br />• LEE COUNTY CODE OF CONDUCT <br />PURPOSE <br />ARRA funding requires a written code of standards of conduct. <br />CODE <br />All procurement activities must be conducted according to applicable laws, rules, regulations, <br />and policies of ARRA funding, Lee County and the State of North Carolina, specifically General <br />Statutes 14-234 and 133.32. <br />All procurement activities must maintain integrity at all times, keep free from any personal <br />obligations to vendors or contractors and respect their confidence. <br />No employee or officer of Lee County shall participate in the award or administration of an <br />ARRA-funded project or purchase if that person, that person's spouse, any member of that <br />person's immediate family, or an organization which employs or is about to employ the person, <br />the person's spouse, or a member of the person's immediate family has a financial or other <br />interest in the company selected for award. <br />Any county employee having knowledge of or a reason to know of a potential personal interest <br />or upon the discovery of a potential personal interest has an affirmative duty to disclose such <br />• personal interest to the department head. Any attempts by any person, firm or corporation to <br />influence the decision of a county employee with regard to county business must be reported <br />to the County Manager. <br />0 <br />