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WK 8 PAGE 13 <br />The contract between the Triangle Commission on Criminal <br />Justice and the County of Lee which provides for the payment of a detective's <br />salary through a LEAA grant was approved for execution by the Chairman <br />upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Hal L. Hancock, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Billy Ray Cameron, Director of the Civil Preparedness <br />Office, appeared before the Board to advise them of the availability of mobile <br />radios. There was discussion about use of such equipment on the vehicles of <br />the Sanitary Landfill Department but no formal action was taken. <br />There being no further business to come before the session, it <br />was adjourned sine die. <br />ON A. WICKER, <br />. <br />KENNETH R. O LE, CLERK <br />CHAIRMAN <br />NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY <br />Prese~ted for registration on tha-l.~ y <br />Of.711. -L V. /l _.19 _ at 1 L.~/..~ <br />recorded in Book.._......Page...................... <br />Pattie W. McG!1v3ry, Register of Deeds <br />