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1975 - 03-03-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 03-03-75 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
12/18/2009 8:20:10 AM
Creation date
12/18/2009 8:19:47 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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W. !'CSL!4 ~j. <br />The Board next considered S 198 which relates to election reform. In <br />view of the fact that the population limitations set out in.the bill would exclude a <br />majority of municipalities from coverage, it was resolved to oppose the inclusion <br />of such limitations in the bill. The Senators and Representatives from this <br />District would be'asked to seek the removal of such population limitations from <br />the bill and, as amended, to seek the passage of the bill. <br />There was a general discussion about tax collection procedures and <br />garnishments in particular. <br />Mrs. A. Beck appeared before the Board and requested assistance in <br />getting a road improved in the Tempting Church community. Commissioner Hancock <br />stated he would check the priority assigned to the road and advise Mrs. Beck. <br />Representatives of Pate-Mullins, Architects and• Engineers, appeared <br />before the Board and discussed their, work on the sewer-line to the Allis-Chalmers <br />plant. Chairman Gordon A. Wicker asked the firm to hold off work on the project <br />to see what the present 2.01 study shows. Chairman Wicker reported he had a copy <br />of the preliminary report. <br />Commissioner William 'H-. Cooper reported on the work being done at the <br />Seaboard Coast Line passenger station to convert it to a. Senior Citizens Center:. <br />Commissioner, William H. Cooper moved that the sum of $395. 00 be <br />appropriated from the funds derived from Revenue Sharing for payment of statement <br />of Pate-Mullins for work on the Maintenance Building and that the statement of <br />Pate-Mullins in the amount of $1, 100. 00 for work at the Senior Citizens Center be <br />approved for payment from the appropriation for that facility in the Maintenance <br />Fund. Commissioner Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, <br />Messrs. Cooper, Dotterer, Hancock, Franklin Wicker and Gordon Wicker all voted <br />for it,and no one voted against it. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker inquired about the repairs to the <br />Maintenance. Building. <br />Commissioner- William H. Cooper reported on the storage space prepared <br />for the voting'rriachines. <br />' Chairman Gordon A. Wicker reported that Mr. Russell Stout had written <br />t - } and requested more space for the Parole and Probation Officers. The request was <br />referred to Commissioners Dotterer and Franklin Wicker to handle as they saw fit. <br />The Board next considered the bill for furniture from the Clerk of Superior <br />Court's Office. It appeared that the Clerk had purchased two new desks and <br />transferred one old desk to the Sheriff and another to the Board of Elections. <br />The desks cost $443. 04 and there was $408. 00 in the Clerk's budget. There was <br />also a bill for $185. 00 for the Grand Jury officer. Commissioner Dotterer moved <br />that the sum of $220. 00 be appropriated to the Superior Court budget from funds <br />derived from facility fees and that the Clerk be instructed to utilize the County <br />Purchase Order system for all future purchases. <br />Commissioner Dotterer moved that the sum of $41, 080. 00 be appropriated <br />from the funds derived from Revenue Sharing to the Sanitary Fund to purchase a <br />vehicle equipped to collect refuse: The motion was duly seconded and upon a roll <br />call vote Messrs. Cooper, Dr. Dotterer, Hancock, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all <br />voted for it and no one voted.against it. <br />Commissioner William H. Cooper asked for and was given authority to <br />have Cashion Moving & Storage Company to move the voting machines from the <br />Courthouse Annex' to the Maintenance Building. <br />-2- <br />
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