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1975 - 04-07-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 04-07-75 Regular Meeting
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12/18/2009 8:12:49 AM
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12/18/2009 8:11:51 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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Y~., BOJK PAGE 486 <br />Southern Ambulance Builders, <br />Inc., . <br />LaGrange, Ga.. 15, 791. 50 120, 00 15, 911.50 85. 00 <br />370. 00 <br />595. 00 <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer moved that the low bid be <br />accepted, subject to the approval'.of the appropriate official of the Governor's <br />Highway Safety Program. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the <br />motion and upon a vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />. , Mr. Elon Dickens appeared before the Board and requested that <br />the Board give consideration in leasing the operation of the Sanitary Landfill <br />to him; Mr. Dickens stated he was not interested in the collecting phase of the <br />program but felt he could, operate the equipment and Landfill's operations more <br />economically than the County could utilizing its own employees. This matter <br />was referred to the Landfill Committee composed of Commissioners Franklin <br />D. Wicker and Hal L. Hancock for study and their recommendations. <br />Representatives of the Triange J Council of Government appeared <br />before the Board and reviewed a draft of a plan for a public transportation <br />development program. Commissioner Dotterer moved the adoption of a resolution <br />providing that the.Board of Commissioners recognizes the needs for transportation <br />in the rural area of the County and urges the Triangle J. Council of Government <br />and staff to work out what the needs are and what can be done to meet these needs. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a vote, it was <br />unanimously adopted. <br />The Board then proceeded to hold a public hearing„on the Commun- <br />ity Development application. Upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer,' seconded by <br />Commissioner Cooper, it was authorized to amend the application to show that the <br />County will lease the Community Centers in the Tempting Community and in other <br />areas. , Further, upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was resolved to amend the application by <br />increasing the amount set forth for the Broadway waterline. Representatives of <br />the Triangle,J Council of Government were present and no persons were re- <br />questdd-,to. be heard at the time of the public hearing. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded by <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was resolved to submit an application for <br />Rural Housing Rehabilitation, as follows: <br />RESOLVED that the County of Lee join with the other <br />five counties of Region J and the State of North Carolina, <br />in submitting an application to the Secretary of the Depart- <br />ment of Housing and Urban Development for a grant of <br />up to $300, 000 (from discretionary funds available to <br />.her under the Housing and Community Development Act <br />of 1974 to support Innovative Community Development . <br />projects) to implement a program of rural housing re- <br />habilitation for owner and renter occupants in the six- <br />county Region J. If this grant is secured, the program <br />described in the attached "abstract of Proposal". will be <br />carried out, in our behalf by the Triangle J Council of <br />Governments and the Triangle Housing Development <br />Corporation with the assistance -of anagency or agencies <br />of the. State of North Carolina. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Dotterer, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Cooper, it was resolved to declare the week of April 7th through 13th, <br />1975, as. Community Standards Week in Lee County; in keeping with the action <br />of the Governor. <br />
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