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B ~K • 8 PdGE497 <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer, seconded by Commissioner William H. Cooper, <br />which motion was unanimously adopted upon a vote. Mr.. Harris then reviewed <br />the liability, workmen's compensation, auto liability,. auto collision, and <br />equipment floater policies.. Mr. Harris suggested an increase in the liability <br />coverage to afford,a defense to-the county employees. Commissioner' William <br />H: 'Cooper moved that the sum of $400. 00 be appropriated from the unappropriated <br />surplus in the General Fund for the purpose;of purchasing such additional insurance <br />cove rag e.,R Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a roll <br />call, vote;' Mess"rs.,.Cooper, Dotte'rer, Hancock, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all <br />voted for it. <br />M'r.'James Gorham and Mr. Rockne Horton, appeared before <br />the~Board and presented-petitions requesting that improvements be made to Horton <br />Park on Washington Avenue. After a general and extensive discussion of the <br />matter, Commissioner John E. Dotterer'moved that the sum of $5, 000, 00 be <br />appropriated from the unappropriated surplus in the General.Fund to the Recreation <br />Department, for its use in improving Horton Park. Upon a roll call vote, Messrs. <br />Cooper, Dotterer, Hancock, and Gordon Wicker voted for, the motion. Commiss- <br />ioner Franklin D. Wicker voted;"no" on the motion but only because he thought the <br />funds should be advanced against next year''s appropriation in the nature-of a'loan <br />rather than as a'supplemental appropriation for this year. <br />Mrs..Marietta Watson, Mr. Donald Buie, Mr... James E. Heins, <br />Dr. Charles W. Tulloch,- and Mr. Sonny Baker, Director of the'Lee County Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, • appeared before the Board.. Mr. Donald Buie, Finance <br />Chairman, reviewed the budget request for the coming year. Following this dis- <br />cussion, Director Baker reported that their current budget should be amended to <br />reflect the receipt of $27, 350. 00, which were the receipts from a Federal Grant <br />which,was to be spent on improvements at Buchanan.Park. Commissioner William <br />H. Cooper moved that the Parks and Recreation Commission Budget be amended to <br />.reflect $27, 350. 00 receipts of a Federal Grant for improvements at Buchanan <br />Park, Commissioner John E. Dotterer seconded the motion and•upon.a roll call <br />vote' Messrs'. Cooper, Dotterer, Hancock,, F. Wicker and G. Wicker all voted for <br />the motion. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner William H. Cooper, seconded by <br />.Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, it was RESOLVED to approve the bill for the <br />luncheon for promotion of industry in Lee County, and to appropriate $150. 00 from <br />the Unappropriated Surplus in the General Fund to the Department of Social <br />Services for its use in promoting Senior Citizens Week. Messrs. Cooper, Dott- <br />erer, Hancock, F. Wicker and G.. Wicker, all voted for the motion upon a roll call <br />vote: <br />'Upon motion made, seconded and duly adopted, the Board <br />adopted the following proclamation: , . <br />WHEREAS The beef industry is one of the <br />most improtant segments of the economy of 'Lee County; and <br />WHEREAS: Beef is one-of the most nutritious <br />foods, and all health-building factors, scien- <br />tifically proven beneficial to people of all ages, from the <br />very young to the very old; and <br />• WHEREAS: It is important that the people of <br />Lee County recognize the importance of beef in the everyday. <br />life of our citizens; and <br />Page two <br />