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BGOK FAGS 494 , <br />Newspaper on January 1st in each of the five"pears`concerned.ana had,levied <br />an assessment in*the total amount of $604.12,: together with penalties in the - <br />amount of $150.93: It appeared'that news print had customarily not been listed <br />by newspapers because it was considered to' be in Interstate Commerce under'a <br />U. S. Supreme Court decision.`' However, the Supreme Court of North Carolina <br />had determined that news print for use by„a newspaper`in North Carolina <br />list. all inventories.of news print on hand once it,was received and had reached its <br />final destination.. The action taken by the Tax Supervisor was based-on that . <br />decision of the North Carolina Supreme Court.' The Sanford Daily Herald contended <br />its. actions followed the guidelines laid down in the U. S.. Supreme Court decision <br />and that they were not aware of the decision of the North Carolina Supreme Court <br />and hence, their failure to list, they hoped would be excusable and,because of <br />poor economic conditions, they hoped that the County, would excuse the taxes in full, <br />Commissioner William H.' Cooper.moved that the tax bill in the: amount of $604.12 <br />should stand but that the Sanford Daily Herald should be, released •of'the penalty <br />in the amount of $150. 93. Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, seconded the motion <br />and upon a roll call vote, Messrs. -Cooper, Hancock, -F. Wicker and G. Wicker <br />voted for the motion and Commissioner John E. Dotterer. voted against it: <br />Chairman Gordon.A, Wicker declared the,motion duly adopted. <br />Representatives o£ the Council on Aging, appeared before the <br />Board and there was a general discussion of which County Agency the Council of <br />Aging affiliated with at the'present time.. Commissioner Dotterer moved <br />that •the Council on Aging be placed under the supervision of the Department of <br />SociallServices and it be authorized to contract with that County Agency. Comm- <br />issioner William H. Cooper; seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. There was further discussion about who would maintain the Senior Citizens <br />Facility and it was decided tha£the building would be maintained by the County <br />Maintenance Group. - <br />Mr. Jim Coats, Director of the Department of Social Services, <br />appeared before the Board and:discussed with the Board the pending legislation <br />known as House Bill No, 1028, which provides for food stamp distribution in i <br />Post Offices. It was decided that the Board would.oppose this legislation and it . <br />was directed that communication of the Board's stand be sent to the County's <br />representatives iri the General Assembly. <br />Mr. Gilbert Matthews appeared before -the Board on behalf of <br />the Soil and Water Conservation District. Mr.. Matthews outlined the budget <br />proposal for that agency and requested that-they be authorized to employ a <br />CETA employee for, an additional period of time. <br />Commissioner Dotterer'brought up for discussion, the announced <br />plans for hospital facilities. After discussion, Commissioner Dotterer moved <br />that the Commissioners endorse formulation of long range plans for hospital <br />development and request that in.addition to acute and long term care of in hospital <br />patient, facilities be planned for public health activities, ambulatory patients, <br />mental health patients, ambulance. service,: and social services, Commmissioner <br />Franklin D. Wicker seconded the'motion and upon a vote it was unanimously <br />adopted. <br />It was. reported to the Board that the Library Board of Trustees <br />had recommended the appointment of Mr.. Terry Reeves, to replace'Mr. Gilbert <br />Matthews and the appointment of Mr. J. F. Hockaday to: replace Mr. Perry White <br />on the Board. After discussion, Commissioner John,E. Dotterer moved that <br />Mr. Terry Reeves be appointed to the Library,.-Board of Trustees for a term <br />expiring in 1977 and. that Mr. J. F. Hockaday `be.appointedito,the` Board, of <br />Trustees for a term expiring in 1981, Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker <br />seconded the motion and upon a vote it was1unanimously adopted. - The Chairman <br />decla,,red the two men duly elected to the Board of.Tr~u tees•of the Lee County <br />Library. <br />,AI <br />K <br />i <br />