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0 0 <br />BOOK 23 P"Gr 105 <br />subsequent to the Contract. Budget transfers between line items within a <br />cost category are allowable up to $1,000 without the written approval of <br />the College. All budget transfer requests must include a brief explanation <br />letter and a revised Attachment B prior to the College issuing written <br />approval. <br />37. Severahility: Discretion of College; Open Meetings Law <br />In the event any provision of this Contract shall be considered unlawful or <br />without effect, it shall be considered severable and shall not affect the remainder <br />of the Contract. <br />The College shall have the power and discretion to enforce any provision of this <br />contract and to select from among its remedies under this contract and at law. <br />The failure of the College to enforce a provision shall not constitute waiver of the <br />provision or the Contract. <br />No action taken by the Contractor or its sub-recipients in violation of any <br />applicable provision of the state open meetings law shall be valid. <br />38. Covernmental Authorization <br />Contractors that are units of government agree to provide a copy of the statute, <br />ordinance, or resolution authorizing the signatory official to execute contracts or <br />this Contract on behalf of the unit of government. <br />39. Notices <br />Communication regarding this contract shall be directed to the following <br />representatives: <br />Ms. Stelfanie Williams <br />Mid-Carolina Local Workforce <br />Investment Area <br />Ms. Margaret Johnson <br />Lee County Department <br />of Youth and Family <br />Services <br />Or to such other persons and such other addresses as one of the above parties may <br />designate in writing. <br />40. Special Conditions <br />The Contractor must respond within thirty (30) days to the special conditions <br />(Attachment D) identified in the contract transmittal letter. These special <br />conditions are corrections to the Contractor's "Statement of Work" (Attachment <br />A). <br />Pne15ofI6 <br />