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BOOK 231 PAGE IL27 <br />ADDENDUM TO <br />INMATE LABOR CONTRACTS <br />For July 01, 2009 to June 30, 2010 <br />Facility Name: Sanford Correctional Facility ID# 4360 <br />Agency Nante: Lee County Operational Services Job Code: H10002 Session 001 <br />The Division of Prisons has zero-tolerance for undue sexual familiarity or abuse with offenders. <br />It is the contract agency's duty to report any allegations of inmate sexual violence either by <br />another inmate, correctional staff, correctional agents, agency vendors and/or volunteers. The <br />following information has been approved by the Department of Correction's Legal Section as an <br />addendum for all contracts for contract year 2009-2010 and will be a part of all contracts <br />beginning July 1, 2010. <br />The Department of Correction has zero-tolerance for behavior with an offender that is <br />unduly familiar or sexually abusive. Departmental staff, correctional agents, agency <br />vendors and volunteers are strictly prohibited from engaging in personal dealings or any <br />conduct of a sexual nature with offenders. Conversation and conduct with offenders is to <br />be professional at all times. Sexual acts between an offender and departmental staff, <br />correctional agents, agency vendors and volunteers violates the federal Prison Rape <br />Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and is punishable as a Class E felony in North Carolina. <br />Under North Carolina and federal law an offender CAN NOT consent to engage in sexual <br />activity with departmental staff, correctional agents, agency vendors and volunteers, and <br />all such activity legally is against the will of the offender- no matter what the offender <br />says. Additionally, it is a criminal offense for any person to sell or give any inmate any <br />intoxicating drink, barbiturate or stimulant drug, or any narcotic, poison or poisonous <br />substance, except upon the prescription of a physician, or to convey to or from an inmate <br />any letters or oral messages or any instrument or weapon by which to effect an escape, or <br />that will aid in an assault or insurrection, or to trade with an inmate for clothing or stolen <br />goods or to sell an inmate any article forbidden by prison rules. <br />"As a valued Correctional Agent of the Division of Prisons, it is important to remember <br />that any knowledge of or a report of any incidents of unduly familiar and sexual abuse <br />involving a labor contract inmate, you have a duty to report this information immediately <br />to your contact person at the facility of housing for the inmate and/or to the office of the <br />Division of Prisons. You may also report the information to the Office of PREA <br />Administration at . By signing this contract you acknowledge that <br />you understand and will abide by this policy as outlined above." <br />APPROVED BY: <br />II <br />1 Go kernmental Agenc a t ority Date <br />2 Facility Head Date <br />3 Region Director Date 4 Program Services Manager Date <br />