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6. Describe the population served by your nonprofit: Where are they located? <br />Our clients are mainly from Lee County, however we do accept and refer clients outside of Lee <br />County. depending on safety issues and a lethality assessment. HAVEN collaborates with other <br />domestic violence /sexual assault agencies when clients are referred to Lee County or out of Lee <br />County. <br />7. How many individuals were served by your agency? Individuals should be counted as if they <br />participate in no more than one agency program. <br />2011 -2012 program year <br />554 <br />2012 -2013 program year 740 <br />2013 -2014 program year <br />500 <br />(estimate for full year) <br />2014 -2015 program year <br />311111 <br />(projected) <br />8. Describe your strategy for funding after this grant, June 30, 2015: <br />We are expecting that our funding beyond 2015 will involve a plan to secure needed unrestricted <br />funding to be used to match grant dollars. We will still be needing donations from Lee County <br />not only to provide unrestricted matching funds but to also show our state and federal level <br />fenders that we have support from our county and the area where most of our clients reside. We <br />are also trying to pay outstanding debts of $19,950 which were accrued over the past two years <br />prior to HAVEN's reorganization in the fall of 2013. The new Board and staff is now in place, <br />providing services, and trying to get rid of debt that HAVEN is responsible for. <br />9. What other agencies (if any) provide services similar to your agency? How do you <br />coordinate service delivery with those agencies? <br />There is not another agency in Lee County that provides services to survivors of domestic <br />violence and sexual assault that include shelter, support, counseling, crisis hotline, referral, <br />resources, support groups, and batterers intervention. <br />10. Attach a copy of the agency's IRS tax- exempt letter stating 501 c3 non -profit status. <br />The auditors will have our 990 form completed in 2 -3 weeks. That form and the management <br />letter will be delivered to Lee County upon receipt. <br />Applications are due to the Lee County Finance Office, PO Box 1968, Sanford, NC 27331 -1968 by <br />5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21, 2014. Late applications will not be accepted. <br />