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Agenda - 6-16-14 Budget Work Session
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Agenda - 6-16-14 Budget Work Session
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6/11/2014 1:03:33 PM
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6/11/2014 1:02:47 PM
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P.y <br />• Provide a service to the community through means that are more cost effective than the <br />government <br />HAVEN provides safe shelter, crisis hotline coverage, counseling, referral, information, <br />transportation, and resources with a staff of 14 paid employees (3 fulltime, 11 parttime) and 10 <br />volunteers who staff the crisis hotline, assist in the shelter, and answer the office phone from 9 <br />a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. <br />• Fill in gaps that may exists between government services and community needs <br />There is currently no government service that provides services geared toward survivors of <br />domestic violence and sexual assault. Also, HAVEN has reestablished MOVE (Men <br />Overcoming Violence with Education) for men - who have been court ordered or who volunteer to <br />attend with the goal of becoming non - violent with their partners. <br />3. What do you propose to do with funding from Lee County Government? <br />HAVEN needs approximately $42,000 in matching funds for our state and federal grants. The <br />$10,000 that we hope to receive from Lee County would be applied to meet our match dollars. <br />4. What are your program goals and how will you measure your success? <br />Our shelter program goals are to provide safety, educate about domestic violence /sexual assault, <br />and reduce isolation with every client we see or talk with. We measure our success with shelter <br />clients by asking in an exit interview if they have felt safer and less isolated and have learned <br />more about domestic violence /sexual assault while residing in our shelter. We track the numbers <br />of clients we assist with court advocacy, walk in counseling, and crisis hotline calls because we <br />consider every contact a victim/survivor makes is meeting a goal to provide education, plan for <br />safety, and decrease isolation. <br />Applications are due to the Lee County Finance Office, PO Box 1968, Sanford, NC 27331 -1968 by <br />5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 21, 2014. Late applications will not be accepted. <br />
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