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P.,;20 <br />JOHNSON <br />CONSULTING <br />Ticket Sales <br />Payroll & Related <br />Spew Rentals <br />Utirdk s <br />Concessions <br />Repairs & Maintenance <br />Novelties <br />Advertising a Marketing <br />Advertising <br />Building Security <br />Parking Remus <br />Insurance <br />Premium Sesting <br />Management Expense <br />Naming Rights <br />Reserves for Replacement <br />Other Revenue <br />Other Expenses <br />The analysis will document our recommended approach to delivery of services, such as staffing, food and <br />beverage, parldng, and other major line items affecting the operation, thus providing the reader with a clear <br />understanding of how each facility will earn and spend money, fit into the broader operations of the Client <br />Group, and what the expected financial picture will be at the end of each year. To the extent that public <br />dollars are to be used to support operations, capital improvements, or other items, these sources will also be <br />considered and integrated into the financial analysis. <br />As appropriate, we may also offer a specific discussion regarding revenue sources that are available to both <br />public assembly facilities and sports facilities, including benefactor naming rights and other specialized <br />revenue streams, such as advertising, and based on market conditions. These may be essential in addressing a <br />funding strategy for such venues. <br />Our analysis will also discuss the pros and cons of public ownership and operation versus public funding of <br />the venue, but operating it with private management. <br />TASK 9 - OPERATING, DEVELOPMENT & FUNDING STRATEGY <br />The culmination of our research will result in a financial planning document that presents funding options, <br />incentives (existing & mv), and potential public and private development partners for successful <br />development of this project. We will also opine on the most desirable operating model for the expanded Civic <br />Center and proposed multi- sports complex, evaluating various operating structures. <br />OWNERSHIP MODEL <br />Johnson Consulting will work with the client representatives to devise an initial ownership operating strategy <br />for proposed facilities. As a fast step, we will discuss options regarding facility ownership, governance, and <br />management based on our experience and development of operating structures in many of the most <br />successful convention centers and sports facilities nationally. We will snake recommendations and take the <br />following steps: <br />a Comment on ownership and operating structure <br />6 East Monroe Street I Fifth Floor I Chicago, Illinois 60603 I Phone: 312.447.2010 I Fax 312.444. 1125 <br />w msWc.coni I ciohnso - q&N com <br />