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Agenda - 6-16-14 Budget Work Session
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Agenda - 6-16-14 Budget Work Session
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P /9 <br />JOHNSON <br />, �,c, <br />CONSULTING <br />TASK 7 -- DEMAND PROJECTION <br />Johnson Consulting will provide demand projections for the expanded Civic Center and proposed multi - <br />sports complex, including: <br />• Analysis of event days by event types. <br />• Summarization of demand calendars of three to five comparable, for example, facilities that are of <br />the approximate size of the proposed facilities. <br />• Development of long -range demand projections addressing the number of events, number of event <br />days, number of attendees, and the amount of space required for the various event types. <br />• Testing of demand projections using two analytical methods: <br />- `Bottom -up' approach reflecting current demand, annual repeat events, turned away events, and <br />transfers from other locations, and; <br />- `Top -down' approach reflecting analysis of comparable facility demand, relative levels of supply <br />and demand in the overall market, and anticipated future market share. <br />TASK 8 - FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS <br />Given our knowledge of and experience with conference/event center and recreational facility operations, we <br />will develop estimates of income from various sources, including, but not limited to, sponsorships, <br />advertising, concessions, and other non - traditional funding sources. As part of its analysis, the Consulting <br />Team will develop a detailed financial model that considers all factors that will be available to fund the initial <br />capital cost of the expanded Civic Center and proposed multi- sports complex. The analysis will also include <br />debt service for each facility, based on the capital budget prepared in Task 5. <br />Based on the market data and demand projections, Johnson Consulting will prepare a 10 -year operating pro <br />forma for the proposed facility. The model will list all revenues and fixed and variable expenses in line -item <br />detail throughout the period of the projection, and include data for each individual type of event The pro <br />forma operating statement will include the revenue and expense items shown in the table below. <br />6 East Monroe Street I Fifth Floor I Chicago, Illinois 60603 I Phone: 312.447.2010 I Fax: 312.444.1125 <br /> I <br />
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