Laserfiche WebLink
BK - 00026 PG - 0512 <br />Line Item Budget and Budget Narrative <br />Using the budget line items listed below, please provide a budget and a short narrative on how <br />you plan to spend the funding amount reflected in the agreement. Allowable expenses include <br />telephone, postage, salary/stipends, equipment purchases, internet services, etc. New CMS <br />regulations stipulate that federal dollars cannot be used to purchase food. If any of your <br />outreach events include food, it must be paid for from other funds. Additionally, please note that <br />indirect charges will not be allowed under this agreement. <br />Fringe Benefits <br />Other (itemize below <br />TOTAL <br />BUDGET NARRATIVE: <br />Folders will be purchased in the amount of $1800. Advertising and the bags that will be <br />distributed at the EXPO will cost approximately $1000. The remaining funds will go <br />toward the cost of internet services, postage and the monthly newsletter (where <br />additional information regarding the guidelines for LIS). <br />Attachment D <br />Certifications Regarding Drug -Free Work - Place; Lobbying; and <br />