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HALE ARTIFICIER, INC. ` t3 0 <br />2. Termination and Emergency Procedures <br />A. If, at any time before, or during the discharge of a Display, there arises a condi- <br />tion that adversely affects the firing or completion of the Display, the operator <br />will IMMEDIATELY halt the display, until such a time that the condition can <br />either be corrected, or deleted from the program. <br />1. The AHJ will also have the authority to halt the display, should any such <br />condition arise. <br />2. Communication between the Operator and the AHJ will be necessary to <br />provide for the continuation of the display. <br />B. If there is a weather related concern, the display is to be halted, or postponed, <br />until better conditions prevail. If there is no alternative, or if conditions remain <br />at an unsafe level, then the Operator is to cancel the display, and the Rain Date <br />option will be considered. <br />1. All mortar racks are to be covered with tarps, plastic or other suitable <br />materials to prevent materials from getting wet. Cakes, and other <br />ground effects can be placed in plastic bags. <br />2. Any materials that do become wet shall not be used, and are to be <br />placed into regulation cartons and returned to Hale Artificier, Inc. <br />C. If, during the display, an errant shell or malfunction of equipment causes mate- <br />rials to be sent towards or into the spectator area, or out of the intended fallout <br />area, the operator will IMMEDIATELY halt the display. <br />1.The safety of the spectators is the primary concern, and the operator is <br />to insure that any errant shell trajectories or malfunctions are dealt with <br />as soon as it is safe to do so. Repositioning of the racks, or dropping that <br />part of the display will be done before resuming any firing <br />2. A situation of this nature could cause the rest of the display to be post <br />poned, or cancelled with the communication and cooperation of the <br />AHJ. <br />3. Identification of the errant materials and /or equipment is to be docu- <br />mented in the Operators display report. <br />4. If there is ANY injury of any nature, to a spectator, or any other person, <br />the display is to be halted, and the assistance of the local EMS, Fire <br />Department, and /or other fire and fife safety personnel on duty at the <br />time is to be utilized. <br />PAGE 2 <br />