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1975 - 07-07-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 07-07-75 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
11/10/2009 8:52:15 AM
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11/10/2009 8:51:52 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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8 Fhu 512 <br />The monthly bills as listed by the Finance Officer were con- <br />sidered and discussed. The statement for uniforms for the Sheriff's Department <br />was deleted from the list and the remainder of the list was approved for payment <br />upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Dotterer, <br />which was unanimously adopted. <br />The Board next opened the bids received for.maintenance of <br />the County's office machines. The bids received were as follows: <br />(1) Sanford Business Machines . . . . . . . . $ 3,044.25 <br />(2) Mac's Business Machines . . . . . . $2,512.07 <br />Commissioner Cooper moved to accept the low bid of Mac's <br />Business Machines. Commissioner F. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a <br />vote, it was unanimously adopted. <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held on June 16th , 1975, <br />were approved upon motion of Commissioner Hancock. seconded by Commissioner <br />F. Wicker. and unanimously adopted upon a vote. <br />Mrs. Evelyn McCants appeared before the Board and requested <br />assistance in getting improvements made to the road leading by her home near <br />Osgood. The Board advised her they would make inquiries to determine what, <br />if anything, could be done. <br />Mr. Garland Fulton, Chairman of the Board of Directors of <br />Lee County Hospital, Inc.. appeared before the Board and requested that they con- <br />sider funding the staffing of the emergency room at the hospital. Mir. Fulton esti- <br />mated the cost would range from $160, 000 to $200, 000 annually: <br />The Chairman read a letter from the Department of Natural and <br />Economic Resources stating that a $3, 900. 00 grant had been approved for planning <br />assistance. <br />The Chairman reminded the members of the Annual Convention <br />of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and the need to name <br />its voting delegate by July 25. 1975. <br />The Chairman reported to the Board that the North Ca rolina <br />Department of Social Services had named Mrs. Frances Foushee to the Lee <br />County Board of Social Services. <br />The Chairman advised the Board there would be a conference <br />in Atlanta, Georgia, on water resources on July 9 and 10, 1975. <br />The recommendation of the Grand Jury that the Sheriff's offices <br />and the jailer's booking area be air-conditioned was directed to be sent to the <br />Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds for appropriate action. <br />The Board next considered the appointments to various boards. <br />In discussing the vacancies and the nominees it was decided to set a policy to be <br />followed in filling future vacancies. Commissioner Dotterer moved the adoption <br />of the following resolution: <br />BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: <br />(1) That the Board of Commissioners will follow the <br />policy in this resolution in filling vacancies over which <br />they have appointive power from and after July 7, 1975. <br />Page two <br />
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