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1975 - 09-02-75 Regular Meeting
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1975 - 09-02-75 Regular Meeting
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Last modified
11/10/2009 8:38:36 AM
Creation date
11/10/2009 8:38:07 AM
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Board of Commissioners
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Commissioner Hal L. Hancock joined the meeting and <br />participated in the further deliberations, of the Board. <br />Mr. Harry S. Miller, Chairman of the Hospital Board of <br />Trustees, appeared before the Board, accompanied by Mr. Raddy Holton and <br />Mr. Huitt Reep. Mr. Miller reported that the hospital could receive a grant <br />of up to $20, 000. 00 per physician for two physicians to operate the emergency <br />room during the night time hours, and that they would need $60, 000. 00 from <br />the County in order to fund the project. The terms of the grant would provide <br />that grant funds reduced by one-half in the second year and thereafter <br />would terminate. The matter was discussed at some length. The Board then <br />authorized the Chairman to advise the hospital authorities that no funds were avail- <br />able at this time and that the Board's recommendation was that they utilize <br />hospital funds presently on deposit for this purpose and submit a request to the <br />Commissioners for consideration when the. next. Lidget',is7.prepared,., ' <br />The Chairman reported to the '-Board that he had had several <br />requests that the sign on the bridge on U. S. No. 1 north of Sanford, be changed <br />from the name "Johnson Road" to "old U. S. No. 1". Upon motion of Commissioner <br />Hal L. Hancock, duly seconded by Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker,. which <br />motion was unanimously adopted, it was resolved to request the Highway Division <br />of.the Department of Transportation to change the name of the sign from "Johnson <br />Road" to old'U. S. No. 1!'. <br />The Chairman advised the Board that the personnel at the <br />School Maintenance Garage had informed him that a new wrecker could be pur- <br />chased for $6, 200. 90, for use at that facility. No action was taken upon this <br />request and the maintenance personnel were to be instructed to present their <br />request to the Board of Education and the Board, in turn, would.consider any <br />request made by the Board of Education. <br />The monthly bills as listed by the County Finance Officer were <br />presented , together with a statement from the City of Sanford for the County's <br />share of the of the costs of the 201 Facility-Study. These bills were approved <br />and ordered paid upon motion of Commissioner Cooper, duly seconded by <br />Commissioner Hancock, which motion was unanimously adopted. <br />The letter of Mr. Kenneth H. Brinson, Superintendent of the <br />Sanford-Lee County Board of Education, requesting that the proposed Armory <br />be enlarged to provide a seating capacity for 3, 000 spectators at a basketball <br />game, was read to the Board. The matter was discussed and the Chairman was <br />authorized to find out what the additional cost would be to the County. <br />A letter from the" Chairman of the Triangle Housing Development <br />Corporation was read to the Board, advising them that under the by-laws of the <br />corporation, Lee County needed to appoint a member in advance of the annual <br />October meeting. Upon motion of Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker, duly <br />seconded by Commissioner William H. Cooper, which motion was unanimously <br />adopted, it was Resolved to re-appoint Mr. Elwin Buchanan as the County's <br />representative on the Board of Directors. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker called'to the Board's attention <br />the need to appoint an alternate representative from Lee County to the Triangle <br />J Council of Government's Board. Upon motion of Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, <br />duly seconded by Commissioner William H. Cooper, it was unanimously resolved <br />to appoint Commissioner John E. D'otterer to serve as Lee County's alternate <br />representative to this Board. <br />
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