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BG~; <br />Chairman Gordon A. Wicker appointed Commissioners <br />William H,. Cooper and Hal L. Hancock as a, special committee to study the <br />operations and needs -of the Board of Elections. <br />Mr. Stacy O.' Budd and Mr. Douglas Wilkinson,,-,Sr.,. appeared <br />before the Board on behalf of the Trustees of Central 'Carolina~ TechriVcal ' <br />Institute and requested that the new National'Guard Armory not be $Iaced on <br />the old County Home site unless it can be used"for,recreationalspurpc'ses'by.- <br />the students at the institute. <br />Chairman Gordon+A.' Wicker}read asletter`from Lt..Col: Elbert <br />McPhaul,, Jr., Chief of the Engineering. and Facilities rBranch, Office of the <br />Adjutant General, setting forth the conditions upon which the property on Nash <br />Street could be used for an armory site. <br />Mr. 'Kenneth Brinson,_ Superintendent. of the Sanford-Lee County , <br />Board of Education, appeared and asked the Board to relocate the, armory. . <br />The''Chairman noted that it was 11 o'clock a. in., and time for ' <br />the public hearing on the projects,to be included in the application for Community <br />Development projects for -nextyear. Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved <br />.that the public hearing beā€¢opened.. Commissioner Hancock seconded the motion <br />and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted.., Chairman Wicker declared the <br />hearing open and invited the public'to come forward and express their-views. <br />Mr. Elwin Buchanan spoke first. , Then Messrs. Gonzalee'Johnson, Joel <br />Caviness, and J. H. Blue, spoke. Mrs. R., B.. Guthrie, Gloria Bryant, <br />Lillie`Mae'Tuck and Minnie Perkins spoke. "After all persons who wanted to <br />speak had been heard, CommissionerFranklin D,. Wicker moved that the <br />public hearing be closed. . Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded.tlie motion <br />and upon a vote it was-unanimously adopted, <br />Chairman Gordon A., Wicker announced.a second public hearing <br />on the Community Development Projects for next year would be held at 7:00 <br />o'clock p. m, on November T-I, 1975. <br />Director Elwin Buchanan presented a progress report on the <br />Community Development projects currently under way. <br />The'plans and specifications for the water line between Sanford <br />and Lemon Springs-were presented to and reviewed by the Board. Commissioner <br />John E. Dotterer moved that the plans and specifications as presented to the <br />Board be approved. Commissioner Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Mr. Paul Godfrey appeared before the Board concerning <br />acquiring some land near the Landfill site The Landfill Committee was' <br />requested to report-its recommendation to the Board. <br />Nl'essrs. James Pate'and Robert Bracken of the firm'of Pate- <br />Mullins & Associates appeared before the Board and reviewed the, report submitted <br />by them concerning fire protection in the Clawson Williams Industrial Park. <br />They presented a map showing a lot which Mr., C. L. Williams, Jr. , had <br />offered as a site for the ground.water storage tank. Commissioner William H. <br />Cooper moved that the Board accept a conveyance of the site from Mr. Williams <br />and a grant.of the necessary easements for access. Commissioner John'E. <br />Dotterer seconded the motion and upon a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />Commissioner John E. Dotterer "moved that the sum of $44, 000. 00 <br />be appropriated from the Revenue Sharing Funds to purchase the proposed site on <br />Nash Street from Bryant R. Johnson and-O, T. Sloan for an armory site. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker seconded the motion and upon a roll'.call <br />, <br />