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Section 6.. Registration. Period. <br />The period of registration for mobile homes shall be for the <br />twelve (12) month period of January 1 through December 31 of each year, and <br />such. mobile homes shall be,registered annually thereafter, in the manner req- <br />uired herein. The decal or other device shall show the year for which issued and <br />the date of expiration. <br />Section 7. Issuance of Evidence of Registration. <br />For every registered mobile home, the'Lee County Tax Supervisor's <br />office or other department referred to herein,shall issue the person, registering, <br />the mobile home an appropriate *humbe red plate, sticker or decal: Upon satis- <br />factory evidencethat any such registration numbered plate, sticker or decal has been <br />lost or destroyed, the registrar shall issue a duplicate to the owner on person <br />listing. <br />Section S. Display of Evidence of Registration. <br />Every mobile home located within Lee County except as,otherwise <br />herein provided, shall, thuughbut the the-current issue year, display the assigned' <br />numbered plate, sticker or decal as herein' required and in such manner as to be <br />visible from the exterior at all times. <br />Section 9. Registration by Department of Inspections. <br />In order to facilitate the registration of mobile homes under the <br />provisions of this Ordinance and to•provide.a,procedure,for regisfering mobile <br />homes at times other than when.p`roperty is listed. for ad valorem tax purposes, <br />the various inspectors of the Department of'Inspections are hereby authorized <br />to register said vehicles as hereim. provided;, and shall forthwith make a report <br />of such registration to.the Lee County Tax Supervisor.' <br />Section,10, Violation. <br />Any owner or person in possession of a mobile horrie'who shall <br />violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions-of the Ordinance,. or any <br />person who shall counsel, aid,, or abet any.-{such violationior fail re:to"comply ' <br />shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not'to exceed fifty' <br />dollars ($50.00), or'by,imprisonment for not more.than•,thirty (30) days. <br />..i ' ] .fin. Y <br />A r 'V.-1. if <br />Section 11, Severability. <br />If any section, provision,, or part of this.Ordinance shall be adjudged <br />invalid by a court of competent; jurisdiction,, such invalidity shall'not.affect the <br />validity of the Ordinance as a whol'e-or of any other section, provision, or part <br />hereof. <br />Section 12. Effectide,.Date. <br />This Ordinance, shall become effective on January 1, 1976. <br />Commissioner'Franklin D.,Wicker seconded the mct.ion and upon <br />a vote it was unanimously adopted. <br />There was a discussion about the status of the mobile home ordinance <br />being prepared by the Planning Board.. <br />There was a question about the design oUthe library building and <br />Commissioner Dotterer replied'that nothing definite had been decided and that the <br />plans would be available for inspection at a later date. <br />