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Eu ^ 8 549 ` <br />i <br />ad valorem tax purposes. This definition shall, include,"but is not limited - <br /> home as defined in the District Health Reguiations, and iniArticle <br />9A of Chapter 143.of the North,Carolina General Status`s: <br />Section 2. _ Duty of Owner or.Person'in Possession', - <br />Every owner or person in possession thereof, if other.than the <br />owner," of a mobile home located within Lee County, except (1) a mobile home' <br />temporarily located within Lee County with the express predetermined intent <br />and purpose of conveyance outside of the County within thirty (30) flays after'. <br />arrival; (2) a mobile home held for display or exhibition purposes by a mobile <br />home dealer'licensed by the State of North, Carolina as•such and displaying said <br />license; and (3) a mobile home-passing through Lee County on a public <br />street, road or highway for conveyance elsewhere, shall register'said mobile home <br />during the regular ad valorem tax-listing period of each year with the. Tax Super- <br />visor's office of Lee County; provided that registration as herein referred to .shall <br />not relieve any person from the obligation to list all property for ad valorem tax <br />purposes in the manner required by law, and more particularly the'Machinery <br />Act of 1971 (G.. S. 105-271, et seq. ) and provisions. contained therein, including <br />but not limited to G. S. 105-316, <br />Section 3. Registration <br />Registration shall occur when the mobile home is properly listed <br />with the Lee County Tax Supervisor's office for ad valorem tax purposes; and <br />upon such listing; the Tax Supervisor's office. shall deliver a numbered plate, <br />sticker or other' appropriate device to the-person-registering or listing such <br />mobile home, which device shall be displayed' on the mobile home on or near the <br />main door or exit so as to be clearly visible from the exterior; provided, however, <br />that any mobile home otherwise required to'be registered pursuant to this <br />Ordinance shall not be deemed exempted from the provisions-of the Ordinance, <br />if listing for ad valorem tax purposes is not required. <br />Section 4., Registration After January 1. <br />Mobile homes moved into or, located within Lee County after January <br />1 of each year shall, likewise be -registeredwithin thirty (30) days after said mobile <br />-homes become located within-Lee County; and in such event, registration shall <br />be made by applicafionto the Lee County Tax, Supervisor's office or•to the office' <br />of the Department of Inspections, of Lee. County. (at the time of electrical inspection <br />or other required' approval), if the mobile home at that'time has not been registered. <br />No permit provided for pursuant to the Lee County Ordinance Providing For The <br />Adoption, Administration, and Enforcement of Regulatory Codes,' or the State <br />Building Code'issued until the said mobile home shall Be registered as. <br />herein required. <br />Section 5. , Information. <br />Registration shall consist of delivery of a sticker or decal or <br />other appropriate device upon receipt of the following information to be obtained <br />from the owner or other per son, registering the vehicle: <br />(a) Name of.the;owner and person to-be in possession,if <br />other than the-owner; <br />(b) Year, make, and model of the mobile home or vehicle; and <br />1 (c) Place, meaning tax block and.lot or,6ther specific address <br />J where the mobile home is or will be located,,. <br />