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Ea rl'E547 <br />r• <br />WHEREAS, efficient county government <br />calls for well=planned advance budgeting; <br />WHEREAS, responsive county government depends on <br />efficient county planning.and budgeting and ample time, <br />for citizen participation; <br />WHEREAS,.'the current revenue sharing <br />program expires December 31, 1976 and July through June <br />fiscal year counties must begin budgeting 'the previous <br />spring; <br />THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: BY <br />THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR LEE COUNTY, , <br />that general revenue sharing be re-enacted by the first <br />session of the-94th Congress providing counties with <br />advance dollar figures that can be used for efficient, <br />responsive planning of programs and budgets and that <br />can be identified for'more than half of their fiscal 176 <br />year and can be incorporated in long term effective planning. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of <br />this resolution along with the summary report be immediately <br />forwarded to the Senate and the House of Representatives. <br />Commissioner William H.. Cooper seconded the motion and upon <br />a vote, it was unanimously adopted. r <br />The Board of Co'mmissioners'was advised'tha6a proposed.'contract, <br />between the County and North Carolina Depa'rtment' of 'Natui al and Economic <br />Resources for the provision of planning services was presented and discussed; <br />that, under the terms of the said contract,• the'County will pay!a tot'al,of $2, 600. 00 <br />as its share of the planning, costs, <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker introduced the following <br />resolution, which was read: <br />BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD. <br />OF COMMISSIONERS of the County of Lee: <br />1) That_the contract. between the,County <br />of Lee and the North Carolina Department: of Natural and <br />Economic Resources be and the same is hereby approved. <br />2) That the Chairman and the Clerk be and they <br />are hereby authorized to sign and execute the said contract for <br />and on behalf of the County of Lee and forward the same to the <br />North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources. <br />3) That upon final execution a copy of the <br />said contract be filed with the minutes. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner,Franklin D. Wicker, seconded by <br />Commissioner Hal L. Hancock, said resolution was. unanimously passed. <br />Commissioner Franklin D. Wicker moved that the sum of $2, 600. 00 <br />be appropriated from•the unappropriated surplus in the'General Fund to the Planning <br />Department Fund for the purpose of funding the contract with the North Carolina <br />Department of Natural and Economic Resources for planning services, Commiss- <br />ioner. Hal L. Hancock seconded the motion and upon a roll call vote, Commissioners <br />