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B K: 00026 PG <br />Consolidated Agreement FY15 <br />Page 10 of 28 <br />a. The Department shall submit a monthly Expenditure Report of the pertinent month's actual <br />expenditures for all programs via the Aid -to- Counties Database to the DHHS Controller's Office <br />no later than the dates published annually in November or December for the next calendar year. <br />The schedule reflects a general period of 15 -20 days from the end of the reporting month for <br />submission of the Aid -to- Counties Database report, based on weekends and holidays, to allow <br />processing time for the payment. Failure to meet the reporting deadline, as published in the <br />Controller's Office Aid -to- Counties E- Payment Schedule, WILL result in the exclusion of those <br />expenditures for that month. Early submission may result in earlier payment to the Department. <br />The Department must submit these monthly Expenditure Reports, via the Aid- to-Counties <br />Database, consecutively throughout the agreement period. <br />The health director and the finance officer will approve the monthly Expenditure Report in the <br />Aid -to- Counties Database and the system will alert the staff in the DHHS Controller's Office that <br />expenditures have been approved and certified. The "Certification" verifies that the total State <br />and Federal expenditures reported are valid for the pertinent month's actual expenditures. Local <br />expenditures are part of the Expenditure Report, but are not included in the amount verified in <br />the "Certification." Local appropriations must be reported monthly along with the State and <br />Federal expenditures. <br />b. Departments shall keep expenditure reporting current and submit their certification of <br />expenditures per the published DHHS Controller's Office Schedule. Funding is based on an <br />allocation method, not a contract method, and counties receive reimbursement for services <br />provided during one month in the following month. Therefore, the last service month to be paid <br />in the SFY will be May services which are reported and paid in June. <br />c. Expenditures of federal funds must be reported according to the funding period for a grant. Care <br />must be taken to be attentive to the service month/payment months for each grant as well as the <br />ending liquidation date for a grant. For each grant, the budgetary estimate, funding authorization <br />and Agreement Addendum will have service and payment month dates listed. <br />d. The Department shall submit the final Expenditure Report (via the Aid -to- Counties Database) for <br />all programs to the DHHS Controller's Office according to the schedule published annually in <br />November or December for the next Calendar Year by the DHHS Controller's Office. The <br />Expenditure Report for May Services, which is paid in June, will be the final report period <br />paid from the SFY. Services provided in June and reported in July will be paid out of the <br />next SITY. <br />e. The Department shall have the opportunity to submit amended expenditure reports in the month <br />following discovery of the error. The Department should not wait to submit all adjustments with <br />the invoice submitted to the Controller's Office at the end of May as that will not allow sufficient <br />time for verification of the adjustments before the last payment in the State Fiscal Year. <br />1) In accordance with item 4.c, above, the Department must keep current on reporting <br />adjustments against federal funds to ensure such adjustments are received in time to be paid <br />within the grant's payment period. <br />2) The Department shall review their prior reimbursement claims against payments monthly. <br />3) Amended expenditure reports must be submitted no later than the next reporting date after the <br />grant period ends in order to be paid unless an exception is approved by the DPH Budget <br />Office. <br />