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BK -00026 PG -0457 <br />Consolidated Agreement FYI Page 4 of 28 <br />8. For Departments participating in Medicaid Reitbursement, the Department shall: <br />a. Execute a Provider Participation Agreement with the Division of Medical Assistance. Selected <br />health departments receiving at least $5,000,000 in Medicaid receipts annually, as identified by <br />the Division of Medical Assistance, must sign, as part of their continuing participation as a <br />Medicaid provider, a Letter of Attestation affirming that: 1) detailed information is provided to <br />employees, contractors and agents about the Federal and State False Claims Acts and 2) written <br />policies and procedures are in place to detect and prevent fraud, waste and abuse. <br />b. Make every reasonable effort to collect its cost in providing services, for which Medicaid <br />reimbursement is sought, through public or private third party payors except where prohibited by <br />Federal regulations or State law; however, no one shall be refused services solely because of an <br />inability to pay. <br />c. Establish one charge per clinical/support service for all payors (including Medicaid) based on <br />their costs. All Payors must be billed the same established charge, but the Department may <br />accept negotiated or other agreed upon lower amounts (e.g., the Medicaid reimbursement rate) as <br />payment in full. <br />9. Subject to the approval of the appropriate Section, the Department may seek reimbursement for <br />services covered by a program operating under 10A NCAC 45 rules, Purchase of Medical Care <br />Services (POMCS), when those services are not supported by other State or federal funds. All <br />payment program rules and procedures as specified in the Purchase of Medical Care Services Manual <br />must be followed. <br />10. Provision of Interpreter Services: As required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Department, <br />because it receives federal funds, must provide interpreter services at no charge to Limited English <br />Proficiency clients in all programs and services offered by the Department. <br />11. The Department may not require a client to present identification that includes a picture of the client <br />for at least immunization, pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted disease and communicable <br />disease services. <br />12. Subject to the availability of funds and approval of the Public Health Nursing and Professional <br />Development Unit, the Department may request reimbursement for: <br />a. Nursing service personnel participating in the Introduction to Principles and Practices of Public <br />Health and Public Health Nursing course. Reimbursement is $400.00 per participant upon <br />successful completion of the course. Reimbursement requests must be filed by the Department <br />within one year of completion. <br />b. Health Department Management/Supervision level staff participating in the Management and <br />Supervision for Public Health Professionals course. Reimbursement is $600.00 per participant <br />upon successful completion of the course. Reimbursement requests must be filed by the <br />Department within one year of completion. <br />13. Audits/Monitoring: <br />a. The Department shall have an annual audit performed in accordance with The Single Audit Act of <br />1984 as implemented by OMB Circular A -133. The audit report shall be submitted to the Local <br />Government Commission (LGC) by the County Administration (if single county health <br />