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Minutes - 4-21-14 Regular Meeting
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Minutes - 4-21-14 Regular Meeting
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Consolidated Agreement FY 15 BK:00026 PG:0454 Page 1 of 28 <br />FY 2015 CONSOLIDATED AGREEMENT <br />This Agreement is made between the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of <br />Public Health ( "State") and the Lee County Health Department ( "Department") for the purpose of <br />maintaining and promoting the advancement of public health in North Carolina. This Agreement shall cover a <br />period from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 and shall remain in force until the next Fiscal Year Agreement is <br />signed except as provided for in Section J. Termination. <br />Now, therefore, the State and the Department agree that the provisions and clauses herein set forth shall be <br />incorporated in and constitute the terns and conditions applicable for activities involving State funding. (State <br />funding or funds means State, federal, and/or special funding or funds throughout this Agreement.) <br />A. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DEPARTMENT <br />1. The Department shall perform activities in compliance with applicable program rules contained in <br />the North Carolina Administrative Code, as well as all applicable Federal and State laws and <br />regulations. <br />2. The Department shall perform the activities specified in the Agreement Addenda for State - funded <br />budgets. The Department must negotiate these Agreement Addenda in good faith to the satisfaction <br />of State representatives as part of the agreement execution. The Department will meet or exceed the <br />Agreement Addenda levels unless extenuating circumstances prevail and are explained in writing to <br />the state section, branch or program. <br />3. The Department shall report client, service, encounter, and other data as specified by applicable <br />program rules, Agreement Addenda for State - funded budgets, and by North Carolina Administrative <br />Code. <br />4. The Department shall provide access to patient records to authorized staff from the Division of <br />Public Health for technical consultation, program monitoring, and program evaluation, as specified <br />by applicable program rules, Agreement Addenda for State - funded budgets, and by North Carolina <br />Administrative Code. <br />5. The Department shall provide client, service, encounter, and other data through the State's <br />centralized automated systems for claims creation and submission for processing to the State's <br />Medicaid agency except as allowed by NCGS 130A — 45.13 and SB245 passed in the 2011 session. <br />To ensure that such data is accurately linked to the specific client served in a manner that results in a <br />unique identifier from the DHHS Common Name Data Service except as allowed by SB245 passed <br />in the 2011 session, the Department shall allow the State to submit (on its behalf) the Social Security <br />Numbers of all clients to the Social Security Administration for verification. <br />6. The Department shall share data to support efforts of the public health system, represented by the <br />local health departments, local health programs, and the State (the parties), in order to meet public <br />health objectives while respecting the confidentiality and integrity of each party's data and protecting <br />the privacy of individual client health information. Sharing data includes providing client <br />information allowed as permitted disclosures under the Health insurance Portability and <br />Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104 -91, HIPAA Administration Simplification Provisions <br />Sections 261 through 264, 45 CFR 164.512. <br />
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